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Ow, my head. I can't see anything, what is going on. I am so confused. Are my eyes open? I roll over and start to puke but it's dark in here and I have no idea what I am puking on. Or why I am puking. What the heck happened? I try to brush my hair back and find that I am tied up.

Suddenly freaking out now.

"Help!" I try to yell out but can't really yell my throat hurts. Great I'm tied up and I can't even call for help. What the heck is going on. Where the fuck am I? I wiggle my feet and legs and find out that my ankles are tied too. But not tight enough to keep me restraint. I begin to wiggle my legs pulling them up and down and wider to loosen them more. Finally, enough slack formed so I could free my legs. Not so lucky with my hand they are too tight. They are actually so tight that they are hurting my wrist.

I need to get out of here. I need get free.

I try to stand up using the wall behind me to help me stand. I still feel sick and I want to puke again. But I need to get out of here. I don't have time to puke. I struggle as I try to stand. Thank goodness the wall is behind me to help hold me up. I start to walk along the wall with my back to it feeling. This is a very difficult task since I can't move fast or run my hands up and down. I have to stand and squat. Which is also making me sicker. I really just want to lay back down and go to sleep.

River stay awake you need to get out.

I find a door. Yes! I go to open it. NO. It won't open. The door is locked.

"Fuck!" I say as loud as my voice would let me. I go to move to the middle of the room when I felt something near the door sticking out of the wall. I touch it. It has an edge, kind of. So I rub the ropes along it. I hope this works. I keep rubbing the as fast I can but it seems like it takes hours. They break apart and I shake them and rub my wrist. They hurt and I can feel the rope marks along them. No time to play around I got to get out of here.

My hands are free so I start to feel the walls again up and down looking for some sort of window or another door, something. I need to get out of here. This time moving more freely and a bit faster even though I still want to puke. I feel down my dress looking for my phone. Great lost that too. Thank god I had no money on me when I went to the lounge. I had franticly finish running my hands along the wall and then slowly walk around the middle of the room. It's not very big. About the size of a bedroom. Nothing. But then I trip over something. I grab it. A brick. I found a brick. What good is that going to do. Wait. I feel my way back to the door I had found and start hitting the knob with the brick. I will break this knob off if I have too.

I hear footsteps coming towards me and I stop. I can't let them know I am free. What if they give me whatever it was that makes me want to puke? So I sit back down against the wall. With the brick behind my back. The door opens and the light turns on. Some nerdy guy walks in. I know he thinks I am tied up. I look him over. He is not very big, not much taller than me. Tiny arms and legs, no real muscle. I could take him. I CAN take him out.

"Well, I am glad to see your finally awake. I thought it would have worn off a while ago."

A while ago. How long had I been here? What the heck happened.

"A while ago? How long have I been here? And what did you give me?"

"Ah, the questions from the confusion. I didn't give you anything. Jackson did. What a charmer he is huh?"

"No, not really. I actually found him to be a bit boring. I mean if you want the truth." Saying to this guy with a smirk. Which was the truth, from what I can remember.

He walked a little closer, but not close enough to make my attack yet. I need to keep him talking.

"You on the other hand, I bet you are the charmer. You must have assumed his good looks make him a charmer. And because of that, he could charm me. But honestly, I would have fallen for you over him any day."

Just A Girl Named RiverWhere stories live. Discover now