Their Kiss

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I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I remember was having Tatum picking me up off Noah's lap, and I open my eyes. I was totally freaked out that I was just on Noah's lap and Tatum is now seeing that. I am unsure how he will react to it.

"Wonder Woman, we are home. You don't have to open your eyes. Tatum is going to carry you in." Awe Noah's soothing voice. I could have sworn he just kiss my forehead but I can't open my eyes. I love the sound of his voice. It reminds me of the bus ride here.

We get back to the room and I was laid on something. It didn't feel like my bed. I open my eyes and see the guys standing there not really paying attention to me talking amongst themselves. I can't hear what they are saying. I see that I am in the living room. I got up and ran to the bathroom.

I barely made it there and puked. I felt like shit. But I did get drugged. The guys all come running into the bathroom finding me on the floor next to the toilet. This made me cry. I didn't want them to see me like this. And I didn't want them to think I was helpless. Because I will not be helpless. I have never been helpless and I am not about to start.

Cain was the first one to me. He wrapped me up in his arm telling me that everything was going to be ok. I had my head up on his chest and the tears kept coming. I didn't even know why I was crying, but he started to rock me. He kept rubbing up and down my back trying to sooth me.

When I finally was able to stop crying Noah handed me a glass of water and a couple of pills. I took the water but didn't want to take the pills. I mean I had just been drugged.

"Babe, these pills will help flush whatever is in your system faster." I hear Tatum say. I turn and look at him, realizing I was still in Cain's arms and at that point I didn't even care. I took the pills.

"Are you able to get undressed or do you need help? We have a bath ran for you." Awe how sweet of Cain. Wait we?

I looked at each of the guys and they just keep looking at me with concern. "I think I would rather take a shower. I don't want to fall asleep in the tub."

This made them laugh and Tatum started the shower. I got up and got undressed, not even aware that they were all in there, or not even caring at that point, not sure which. I stood in the shower for a while. I liked the way it was feeling on my body. I washed my hair, and my body. And was still standing in there letting it wake me up. I grab a towel and wrap my hair up shut off the water feeling like a totally new person. I step out of the shower. And reach for another towel.

Ok, I keep ending up in these very awkward situations. I have to say, this is not my normal. Up until I left for Vegas, I never had this kind of stuff happen. Maybe I was better off with Dylan and skipping the bus. Shoot, I was supposed to text him and tell him I was ok. River, back to reality now. Earth to River.

Anyway, I step out of the shower, and bam. Three hot guys staring at me. Once again I am naked and have someone looking at me. Very awkward. And this time it was all three of them.

"Do you want to take a picture? I mean it will last longer and you can stop watching me shower." I say to them being a smart ass. Big mistake.

I see them all look at one another and big smiles come across their faces. I see them shrug, and all three of them reach for the phones.

I hurry up and wrap my towel around myself.

"I was kidding!" I say to them.

I hear clicks. Thank God I have a towel on.

"You delete those at once!" I yell at them.

"You have a picture of me on your phone." Cain says to me. "It's only fair I have one."

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