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Text from Gramma: River dear. I know you're dealing with a lot. And a little birdie told me you are struggling with liking more than one boy. Noah, Cain, and Tatum are all very nice looking and very available guys. They are very different than any others. If I was young like you and in your situation. I would do them all. But don't tell Poppy. He would get jealous. Have fun while your young. I wish things were like they are now when I was younger because I would have had more fun being young. Live a little. And don't forget to tell me about it. BTW (Yup Gramma is working on text talk) Grandma agrees! <3 you dear.

I was still in shock with the message I just read that I didn't even hear the guys talking to me. I just stared at the phone. What the heck Gramma. Did she really send that message to me? I reread it. Yup she sure did. Wow my Gramma would have been the woman back in the day.

I think about what my Gramma would be like when she was younger and starting to date Poppy. I have seen pics of her when she was younger. Very beautiful she was. She had long flowing black hair and dark eyes. Nice beautiful facial structure. She had such a beautiful smile. She still has that smile. It turns heads that's for sure. I could not picture my Gramma with anyone but my Poppy. He was a very handsome man. My dad looked a lot like him. Tall, dark and handsome. Poppy is over 6 foot, dark toned skin and very well build. Most of the time my Poppy can put a 20 year to shame with his body. Gramma got lucky when she found him. My dad from what I remember was a lot Poppy. Very handsome men.

Think about this made a tears start to form in my eyes. I really wish that I could have my dad right now. I really miss him. Over the last 8 years I have been so strong and brave I have yet to face the issues that I have lost my dad. I cried the day at his funeral, but then it was because I was never going to see him again. After that with my mom using drugs the day of the funeral and every day since, I have had to put on a brave face, and brave me. I mean I couldn't grieve because if I did, well, who was going to take care of mom?

Maybe if I had known what was going on with my dad and the drug lords, maybe I could have saved him. Maybe he would still be alive if I had done something different. Why did my mom have to be the way she is? This is not how I want my life to be. I didn't sign up for this. I need to do something. I need help my mom and catch this guy that killed my dad and is killing my mom. I have to do this before he kills me.

I stop crying and snap back to what is going on around me.

I have 3 sets of eyes staring at me.

"Babe, are you ok?" Tatum speaks up.

I smirk, grab a piece of bacon shove it into my mouth. "Yup, I'm just peachy." I grab more food. And eat some more. I am processing a game plan in my head. "How do I talk to Poppy on that tv like I did earlier."

The exchange looks and Cain gets up. He walks to the remote that was sitting on the tv. "You push this button." I see a connecting thing on the screen.

"Is there something else you need?" I hear Poppy on the screen.

This makes me smile. "Yes, Poppy, I needed to know how to call you."

He laughs and shakes his head. "You have a phone pumpkin."

"I know, but sometimes I want to see you too."

"Did they show you how to do it?"

"Yes, Poppy, Cain just did. I love you. I am going to finish eating now. Tell Gramma I love her too. Oh, can I use this to call Gramma when I need some advice and it just be me and her?"

"Of course, dear." I hear Gramma.

I smile at her as she walks up. "Thanks Gramma. I love you guys."

Just A Girl Named RiverWhere stories live. Discover now