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Oh, my head hurts. Why do I feel like a truck ran over me? Man it hurts to move. Where am I?

I open my eyes. Ok, I am in my room. How did I get here? Last thing I remember, is... Shit, Misty. I sit up fast. Bad idea. It hurts to move. How did I go from the diner to my bedroom? What the heck happened.

I look around the bedroom and don't see anyone. That is really weird. Normally, I would find one of my guys with me. But I am here all alone. How long have I been here?

I go to pick up my phone off the night stand where I always leave it. And it's not there. Ok that is another thing that is weird. Where is my phone?

I rub my eyes and stretch. Throw the blankets back and get out of bed. I go to the bathroom and use it. Boy, my bladder was fuller than anything else ever in my life. I thought I was going to actually explode. I brush my teeth and head out to see where everyone else is.

I walk out and its really quite out there. I see Tatum sitting on the couch. Looks like he is reading a book. Hmm. I walk over and sit down on top of him.

"Hey beautiful. How are you feeling?"

"Tired, sore and I have had a bit of headache. And honestly it hurts to move. What happened?"

I see him on his phone. He must be texting everyone.

"Well, you were setting up a meeting when you got hit with a dart, the dart was syringe filled with a general anesthesia that knocked you out."

"WHAT?" I think I am kind of yelling because it actually hurts my head. But I have a right to. I mean once again I am drugged. "How? I mean how did it happen? Where is Misty? We need to get Jackson and Roman. Did you still go to the meeting? How long have I been out?"

"Some guy got in and your grandpa and Cain didn't see him in there. He was about to shoot you when I jumped him. During us fighting the gun he had went off. It was dart thingy syringe that ended up knocking you out. We then were attacked. Somehow they knew we were there. Cain left with you while the rest of us were in a fighting match. Misty got away during that time. Zeke has been going through her phone to pull data to see what we can use. And you have been knocked out for about 48 hours." He leans over and kisses me.

I sit there and take all this in. I really don't say much and decided I need to be alone. "I'm going to take a shower." I get up and don't even wait for Tatum to reply back to me and go take a shower.

I am not even mad that I was drugged, I am not even mad that I ended up in the bed and have lost 2 days. I am so pissed that I did what I had to do and got that woman and we had her, and where is she now? We will probably never find her. I mean if it was me, I would skip the country and never look back. Zeke better find some useful information or all of this was for nothing. We aren't any closer than we were before. I am so angry I start to cry. I cannot even believe this has happened.

I was crying so hard that I didn't even notice that the guys have come into the bathroom.

"River, can you hear us?"

What? I look up with tears flowing down my cheek. But I cannot stop crying. I feel my body being lift and hugged. I don't even know who has me but I just keep on crying.

"I screwed up."

"No babe you didn't screw up."

"Wonder Woman you did great."

"You were so wonderful. You were great in action it was the best thing I have ever seen."

"I lost her. This is all my fault. I changed the plans and didn't tell anyone. I just want my life back."

Just A Girl Named RiverWhere stories live. Discover now