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As I yawn and stretch I start to open my eyes. Boy, I slept good. What do I smell. I completely open my eyes and yawn again. It smells good. I roll over and find that Tatum is no longer in bed with me. Hmm, well I must have dreamed all of last night. Those pills did me in. I roll out of bed.

I walk out in the living room, still in search of the smell. Nothing. Disappointment fills my body. I turn and go to the makeshift of a dining room and find the smell is stronger. Smells like bacon. Yummy. I continue to walk into the kitchen, beginning to wonder if Tatum was in there cooking. I sure hope so, a hot guy that can cook. I would then say I have died and gone to heaven.

As quietly as I can tip toe to open the door on the other side of the dining room and slowly open it. I stop dead in my tracks. It's not Tatum I see in there. My mouth drops open, I bet it hit the floor.

"Well good morning. Aren't you just peachy in the morning?"

Still in shock I manage to compose some words. "What are you doing?"

Cain laughs at me. "What does it look like I am doing? Making you breakfast."

"Why are you in here, and cooking me breakfast?" Why is the front counter manager cooking me breakfast? I mean not that minded but this seems a bit odd to me.

"Um, I just told you. I am making breakfast. Now go and put on some clothes." He points at my chest.

I look down. I stare at my chest. Shit, I have no shirt on, just a bra. Wow what a great impression I am leaving on everyone. Where did my shirt go?


Last night wasn't just a dream.

I look up and see that Cain is still smiling at me, and I get the urge to kiss him. But after last night, I got to keep my hormones to bay.

"Must have been some night last night," Cain says to me laughing. "You should really see your face right now, how confused it is."

Still just staring at him, lost for words I am frozen in my place. How do I even begin to explain this? Do I even need to explain this to him? I mean he only works the counter.

"If I must say, it was, um, yeah, never mind. It's not like anything happened." I find I had to say that, but unsure why I felt the need to say it. I turned and walked out.

I can hear him laugh still in the kitchen. Which makes me stomp all the way back my room. I look for some clothes to put on. I grab a skirt and top and head to the bathroom figuring I could take a quick shower; I turn on some music from my IPhone dock that is wired to the bathroom.

I go and enter in the bathroom, singing to the music that is playing, lost in my own thoughts. I throw my clothes on the floor. "But I'll be you're your daydream, I'll wear your favorite things, we could be beautiful, get drunk on the good life, I'll take you to paradise, say you'll never let me go." Singing this while I step into the huge shower and turn and let out a scream.

I was totally in shock, and I hear someone come running into the bathroom.

"River are you ok?" I can hear Cain's voice standing in the bathroom and he moves closer to the shower stall and opens it. His checks turn red, then he begins to laugh. "Um, I am very sorry, I thought you were hurt. But it's nothing the doctor can't take care of."

That remark makes Tatum laugh. Who was standing in the shower with me.

I throw my hands up. Then remember now I am standing there completely naked. Cain must have seen me blushing, and he laughs, turns and goes to leave. "By the way River, you have nothing to be ashamed of." Quickly turning and smiling at me and winks before he closes the door.

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