Player's Lounge

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Both the guy's phones ping at the same time. I look at them and start laughing. Which, lightens the tension in the room.

Tatum walked over to me and picks me up puts me on the couch. "First, I need to check out the newest victim of abuse. Then I will be back to give you a look over."

He walks over to Cain and double checks that he was ok. Now come on according to Noah I hit like a girl so it shouldn't hurt. Noah how I was missing the fun we had on the bus. I was so stupid; I should have gotten his number. Not, that Cain and Tatum weren't good eye candy. He just made this trip here fun. I would like to go out sometime with him.

Tatum walking back to me snapped me out of my memories.

"Hey, Cain, you know in the last few days you're not the only guy I have hit. And the other guy told me I hit like a girl. Would you agree?"

This seemed to perk his interest. He smirks at me, "You hit someone else? When? And I would have to agree you do hit like a girl."

Oh the nerve of him. I pick up the pillow next to me since Tatum was looking at me so I couldn't get up and go punch the fool again. I whipped the pillow at his head and the corner of it hit him in the eye. I actually chuckled.

"Ow my eye. You took out my eye. I think I'm blind now."

This made me laugh even harder. "Now who's the girl?"

This made Tatum laugh too. "She does have a point dude, you're not blind. But you sure are crying like a little girl. At least River didn't cry when she got knocked out."

"Not fair. She was knocked out, no time to cry." He plead in his defense.

"So babe, I think you are looking better. I think I will take off I have some work to do, and so does Cain. But if you would like I can stop back before you go to bed, or Cain can."

"Yeah that's fine I have a few things I want to do. Is it safe to explore some? I want to see Vegas. Not be in a room the whole time, or I just might have to move to another city."

"How about a deal, take an easy today and explore inside the hotel, play some slots and eat some dinner in the Player's Lounge. I will come back around tonight."

Ok, time to be a little bold, like AnnaB told me. "So do I get phone numbers in case I need something?" Bingo, I get bonus points. Thank you for making me have a backbone. I smile inside, not wanting to have the guys question me about my smirk.

They both look at each other and shrug. "May I have your phone? Without being hit this time." Cain politely ask. I hand it over so he can program his number. "I am going to text myself so I have your number too, I mean if that is ok with you."

Um, hello yeah its ok, why wouldn't it be ok. You can text me whenever you want. I nod at him, too worried I might have a slip of the tongue again to talk. He hands the phone to Tatum who looks at the phone shaking his head laughing.

"Really dude? Hottest God Ever? You really put that in there?" Tatum looks at Cain who is now smirking.

"Don't be jealous, that I'm the hottest god and you're not."

"You only wish."

Boy, they are both gods.

Ok why are they both looking at me. Oh, Lord, my face is heating up. I have a feeling I said that out loud. Why does this keep happening to me.

"Why are you both staring at me?"

"We are both gods, huh?" Tatum finally broke the ice.

Yup I sure did say that out loud. And I am sure I am a beat red color.

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