Long Day

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Noah looks at me as I was crazy and I probably was. But at this moment everything started to feel right. Over the next few hours we small talked about school and how he graduated from an up class private school with honors and even had several full ride scholarships offered to him for college. He landed the job he has and went with it. He won't tell me what the job he does is. And I haven't really asked. Figure he would tell me if he wanted me to know. I mean I can't pry if I'm not willing to allow him to pry.

I told him I graduated from a little town in Michigan, with a few college acceptances that I was forced to send in by my grandma when I really knew I wasn't going to go anyway. When I was little I dreamed of how it would be to go to college and live in a dorm, but as I got older and watched my own life go to hell I knew then that I wouldn't want to go college or at least not right after high school. I told him about my dad dying when I was little. I told him my mom never married, which was probably better that way. I mean come on a guy would have divorce her with all the different men she had coming in and out of her life. I am surprised that none of the guys she already has, care that she has others on the side now. Or they just don't know about it.

I found out he has brothers and sisters. I even told him I had a sister. I didn't divulge I had never met her, but I do have a sister. I would love for one day to meet her but I'm not even sure where to begin with that.

His phone vibrated and he told me he needed to take care of some business stuff. I politely nodded and let him do his work. I grabbed out my phone and seen no messages. Yup, feeling the love now really. Haha, right, this isn't abnormal for me. I put in one ear bud and turned on some music. First song comes on in my shuffle play list is Eminem "The Monster." Perfect fit for my life. That is how I feel. I wasn't sure how long it was going to take Noah to do his work, but he had his laptop out and opened to some sort of map thing. It was zoomed in too far for me to notice what the map was of. I noticed what looked like a chat window open with another person. I try to look at the name without him thinking I am spying on him.

Zeke, the guy's name is Zeke. I like that. I like the ring to that. I wonder what he looks like. River you probably will never even meet this guy its someone Noah works with and I will probably never see him after we get off the bus anyway.

I turn my attention back to my phone and check out Facebook and notice AnnaB posted on my wall and on a couple of picture.

Facebook post on my wall: River, YOU ARE my girl and its only not even been a whole day since I've seen your smiling face and I already miss you. Please promise me to never forget me. I will be there for Christmas my mom already found me a ticket. Now you find me a place to come too. Much love <3 AnnaB

Awe my bestie loves me and now I have even more stress to figure out where I will be so she can come spend my first Christmas in Vegas with her. I have to find a job too. I click on the first pic comment. It's a pic of us at homecoming this year. We look beautiful. Her long dark hair flowing down past her butt pulled up in the front with her homecoming queen crown on and her long Princess Belle dress. She actually looks like a queen in that dress and I was so jealous. She is just a beautiful butterfly with the brightest colors on her wings. With light green eyes.

Comment: Most favorite dance ever best date with you. You were so beautiful. <3

It was her that stole the show. She was way more beautiful than me. Hello she was homecoming queen.

Second pic comment was on a pic of us at our state cheer competition. We were co captains together and we lead the team to the first ever state competition and took first place. All 4 years we captain together.

Comment: All of our hard work paid off... We left behind the team everyone wants to be.

That was true, everyone did want to be like us. I was staring at the pics from that day when I Noah says something to me.

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