A Gift From Dad

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I sit waiting patiently as Roberto drives out of town a little way, trying to figure out who could even possibly want to have a dinner with me. I mean no one even knows where I am except Noah, AnnaB, and family. I know family and AnnaB isn't here. Noah? Could Noah want to meet me? Why couldn't he just call me. Wait he doesn't even have my number so how could he call me. But if he managed to do this? Couldn't he just call the hotel and ask for me? I mean he knew where I was going, and how could he have made these arraignments? So many thoughts running through my head that I wasn't even paying attention to where we going and next thing I know we were pulling into a small place near a lake.

The limo pulls up near the building and parks. Roberto gets out and opens the door for me to get out and helps me by holding out his hand. I step out and notice this is not a typical restaurant if it is restaurant at all.

"Roberto, where are we?"

"Ms. Rizzo, you are here for your dinner date."

UGH, why does everyone keep calling me Ms. Rizzo and why won't anyone tell me what is going on.

"Mr. Roberto, can you please tell me where I am at, and who I am meeting. And can you please call me River?"

Roberto laughs. "Ms. Rizzo, I like the way that sounds. You have arrived for your dinner date and all you have to do is walk inside the doors and you will find out whom asked you to come for dinner." He walks to the door of the building and opens it up for me to go inside of it.

I stomp to the door and turn to Roberto. "Fine Mr. Roberto, you wanna call me Ms. Rizzo, I will forever call you Mr. Roberto until you start calling me River. Which by the way is my name! Not Ms. Rizzo. And I guess I will walk myself in here and see who is in there but I tell you what it better not be Noah, or I am going to punch him for putting me through this!"

Roberto laugh and walked away. I walk into the building to find light classical music playing, a few tables and no one else. Not even workers.

Great I'm going to get raped and murdered out here.

I turn to leave and get to the door.

"River," a voice behind me calls out and it puts a smile on my face.

I turn around and run towards the voice.

"POPPY!!!" I scream and then run into him and embrace a hug from him. "I cannot believe I am actually seeing you. It's been eight years."

"I know my little pumpkin. I have missed you. Come sit. Let's eat." He said pointing to a table and pulls out the chair for me to sit down.

I sit down all gitty to be actually having dinner with my Poppy. I notice off to the side that a waitress brings us sweet tea and salad. I start to eat a little bit and take a sip.

"Poppy, why are you Vegas?"

"Oh, pumpkin I had to come for work. How do you like Vegas so far?"

Well, all the bad news? What was I going to say?

"I'm not sure. Poppy can I ask you something?"

"Pumpkin, what is wrong?" He puts down his fork and looks at me. He's eyes piercing into mine as to get the questions before I can even ask him about them.

I am sitting there lost for words not even sure what to ask, or how to ask or where to begin.

"Pumpkin, your dad asked us to wait till you were old enough and done with high school before we told you anything. He would be very proud that you took your money and left your moms house. There is a lot about your parents past that you will learn about but right now we need to focus on you getting stable and getting a job." He sighs as he knows this isn't the response I want. "Gramma also wanted me to tell you that you are safe. Best security in town will come in and protect you if you feel unsafe, all you have to do is ask, and there will be someone with you all the time." He takes my hand as to reassure me. But really it's not helping.

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