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Roberto gets out, goes around and opens my door. "Ms. Rizzo," he says waving his hand as to show me to get out. I start to step out and I am totally in awe. I have never seen a building so huge. A big pond out in front of the hotel, and across the street I can see the Eiffel Tower. I never thought I would see the Eiffel Tower; I mean it's not the one in Paris but this is awesome. As I am standing there with my mouth dropped open taking it all in, Roberto must have gone around to the trunk to get my bags. I turned around and reached into the limo. I spin around and see a ton of people moving around so quickly.

"Ms. Rizzo, the check in desk is expecting you," he says bringing me back down to earth. He hands me a card with a few phone numbers on it. "The top number is the main office line, the bottom in my personal number. When you need a ride call either one. After 4 pm call my personal number. Enjoy your night Ms. Rizzo." He turns, closes the door, goes around the limo and climbs in and pulls away. Leaving me standing there on the curb at the Bellagio.

I snap out of my trance and walk into the hotel. I was even more in awe when I walked into the lobby. Beautiful marble floors, very colorful jelly fish looking things on the ceiling. This place is gorgeous. I have never seen anything so beautiful. Lots of people coming and going I made my way up to the counter.

"May I help you," the lady at the counter said sort of rudely. Like I wasn't good enough to be coming to such a nice place. She looked at what I was wearing and her nose turned up. I looked at her. Perfect skin tone and her hair pulled up into a bun, she looks to be in her twenties. Name tag says her name is Tina.

"Hi, umm, Tina. I am River Hammond, my grandmother, Charlie Rizzo told me to come to the counter and tell you that I am her granddaughter and you would know what to do."

She started to laugh really hard and uncontrollable. The manager walked over and looked at me and then at her.

"Tina, we don't laugh like that at customers." Double checking me out and saying it like he is trying to be nice.

"No, no (while still laughing) you have to hear this. She says she is Mrs. Rizzo's granddaughter." Laughing even harder than before.

I am uncertain to why she is laughing so hard, or what is very funny about me being the granddaughter "MRS. RIZZO."

The manager that I have now had time to look at, has blond hair and blue eyes. Young, I am thinking younger than Tina, glasses on his face. Not bad looking in a geeky sort of way. He reminds me of Harry Potter but much sexier and a bit hotter and with blond hair instead of the dark hair. If that even makes sense. I look at his name tag and his name is Cain. He looked at me then started to type something in the computer. "Tina, I think it's time for you to go home," dismissing her from her duties.

"I just got here." She stops laughing to say back to Cain with a very surprised face.

"I know. Good day, Tina."

She turns and storms off stomping like a little kid.

"I am sorry about that." Cain says to me still typing into the computer. "I'm Cain and if there is anything I can do for you just let me know." He turns and hands me a key and envelop.

I take those from him and go to open the envelop but Cain stops me.

"No, Mrs. Rizzo says that is for you to read once you're inside the suite. Now follow me I will show you where you are staying."

The bell hop comes and grabs my bags as I turn and follow Cain.

"When you get to where we are going," Cain started explaining, "it's like a mini apartment. First couple of doors to the right is the salon and work out areas. Feel free to explore them if you wish too. First main door that has a long hall off the foyer is one of the bedrooms, but not yours. You will go into the living area and there will be another long hall across from there. There will be a door, and a hallway. That, Ms. Rizzo, will be your bedroom. One the other end of the suite will be another door with a hallway that is another bedroom. That is for extra guest that come and go. Feel free to the rest of the suite, just not the two extra bedrooms." He paused and opened the door to the room and the bell hop walks in first.

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