Rebel Love Song (on hold)

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I'm a big BVB fan, but I'm not an expert, so if I get some information wrong pleased tell me. And I'm not a writer, but I'm working on it. So please give me a chance on this, and click on that small yellow box to your left that reads vote. Well, I'm not forcing you, but hey, it would be nice to get a couple of votes. And if you have a problem with my writing, please tell me. BUT PLEASE PEOPLES! If you like it, then please vote. Or fan. Comment? Please.

And all you haters? Go die. 

(Don't take that last remark seriously)


Chapter One: Rebel Love Song (How lame am I?)

"Welcome to Hollywood," my best friend greeted me with a lazy grin on her face, her arms spread open to emphasize here apartment. Rose always looked like she just got out of bed, her makeup smeared and in her pajamas. Her brown hair looked almost red fell against her pale complexion. She had a thin body for someone who eats nonstop, and she was the laziest person ever, but I love her anyways, even though she could get annoying.

I glanced around and looked at the apartment, nodding as I set my suitcase on the floor. Nodding in approval, I said, "Wow, you actually managed to keep the place clean. It actually looks nice," I said, nodding in genuine surprise. I could actually see the floor this time, unlike the last time I visited. What a surprise.

Rose nudged me. "Well, I figured I had to welcome my best friend some way." She faced me, her face more serious than usual. "Don't expect this to often. It was a wonder that I actually did the dishes!" She told me, wide eyed, gripping my wrist. "Don't make me do that again."

I laughed. "Right, tell me how hard it was to put your dishes is in dishwasher. I do that on a daily basis.  Your lucky your parents have money so you could afford this. I don't know how you would survive without them. "

She looked horrified at the thought. "I would be a financial mess!"

"Yes you would," I agreed as I leaned down to unzip my suitcase. Looking  up at her, I asked. "Which room is mine?" I asked. She pointed toward the room on the right. Dragging my open suitcase over to the door I asked, "So how has it been on your own?" 

She grinned. "Best thing that has ever happened to me. No nagging parents, no rules. And it just got better because my best friend moved in with me!" she yelled, grabbing my shoulders and shaking them violently.

God, how lonely she must have been, I thought as I watched her dance randomly to the kitchen. She rummaged through her cabinet and pulled out a bottle of something I couldn't identify. She brought out to shot glasses and poured the substance in. 

I looked at her suspiciously. "We're only nineteen. How did you get your hand on that?" I asked half-awed, half disappointed in her. She was a terrible drunk, things always got bad.

She looked over her shoulder, a pointed look, and grinned wickedly, "Broke into my ex-boyfriend's house. He has plenty of booze, shame not to share." That was the Rose I knew, devious but a lot of fun.

I guess that was how us two became best friends. Unsurprisingly, I met her at party. We were both sixteen, and I had found out my boyfriend had two girlfriends, Rose and I. We got together, made him wish he was never born, and the rest is history.

I guess I'm reckless too. I party, drink, hookup... I had no plans to go to college. My whole life is music. Part of the reason I moved down here. Rose here wasn't a complete wreck, the girl can play the drums really good, and she formed a band.

The lead singer had backed out, and that's were I come in. Many people have told me that I'm an amazing singer, so when I got that call from Rose, I happily obliged.

She gave me a shot. "Cheers!" She yelled happily, raising her glass to the air, waiting for me to repeat her. 

I gave her a confused look. "It's only the middle of the day," I stated, dumbfounded.

"Who cares!" She yelled, bringing the drink to her lips.

I shrugged. "Oh, what the hell," I muttered, eagerly bringing the drink to my lips. "Might as well make the best of it."


"So..." Rose started. I lifted one eyebrow at her, willing her to go on. "We're going to a concert tonight," she informed me. "I bought the tickets some time ago."

I nodded. Me and her decided not to get smashed, and to go to Hot Topic. "What band?" I asked curiously. 

She pulled out a t-shirt from one of the shelves. "These people." 

I read the t-shirt out loud. "Black Veil Brides?" I asked, pondering this. "I don't think I've ever heard of them," I told her.

She looked at me as if I was the most craziest person alive. "Never heard of them! Ariana Lee Taylor!" She yelled using my full name. "These are the people who inspire me. Who'll love them, plus, you already dress like these people, just not so much on the make-up, and a girl version you likes to were a neon bow on top of your head!"

I held my hands up defensively, "Okay," I lowered my voice. "I'll give them a chance, just back off woman, your getting all up in my personal space."

She squealed excitedly. "Okay! I just know you'll love them. I don't even dress like them, and yet, I love them. They are so awesome! Okay, so here's all you need to know about them...." I blocked out her voice and kept looking around as she talked about them. I bought a couple of bracelets and a Falling in Reverse cd, Rose on the other hand bought BVB bracelets, a BVB t-shirt, and a (not surprising) BVB cd.

As we were walking back home, Rose turned to me. "Ariana, your the makeup master. Can you dress me up tonight?" she looked pretty awkward while asking this. "You know, makeup wise."

"Sure," I told her. "Let me see that t-shirt again." 

She gave it to me eagerly. I took a good look at it. There was five people on it. They all wore heavy makeup, and had the coolest hair ever. But I mostly looked at the person in the front. He had a thin face. His lip piercing stood out noticeably against his pale complexion. His hair was about as long as mine, fell black on his shoulder. "He's pretty hot," I muttered to Rose.

"Andy? Oh, yeah, he is. his real name is Andrew Dennis Biersack, and he is the lead––" she broke off, seeing as I gave her a WTF face. "Okay, so I'm obsessed. But he's my idol, so shove it." 

It was quite funny watching Rose talk about this band. I've never seen her quite up to something. This band must be really good for her to freak out like that. 


I looked at myself in the mirror. I had teased my dyed black hair, my bangs falling in my light blue eyes. I had put a neon bow in it, which looked really cute with my black skinnies and neon green sneakers. I wore one of Rose's BVB t-shirts and a black vest. I was really pale, especially with all the dark make up I was wearing. But I looked no different than any other day.

But Rose did. Rose never put enough attention to her looks. She was beautiful without makeup anyways. Usually she just wore a t-shirt and jeans, but today I put her in red skinny jeans, a BVB t-shirt, and a lot of make up. She looked striking with her brown hair actually not a mess. I had added purple streaks to it, which she very much loved.

"You ready to go to a rock concert?" I asked.

She grinned. "I was born ready,"

So yeah, thanks for reading this, and I hope you do keep reading. It would be very thoughtful of you. Oh! and vote.


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