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  • Dedicated to Ashley Purdy

Thank you, those who actually read the story and voted. That was very nice of you. And also, Andy will be in the story, just not yet. But soon. And in his point of view. So.... keep reading :) Now. Or.... I'll, you know, threaten you.

Are you scared yet?

Vote please :)

Rose groaned in annoyance as I poured cold water all over her bed.

"Wake up, sunshine!" I yelled, eating a chocolate bar as I get over my chocolate withdrawal. This is what happens when you give me chocolate I do terrible stuff to you. Distinctly remembering asking Rose to buy me chocolate.

"Sunshine? Do you speak killjoy? I thought only me and Jordan do that."

I gave her a perplexed look. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Err... nothing..." she said mysteriously.

After getting over that, I set down an outfit I had picked for her on the bed, careful not set it on the wet part, thanks to my doing. "Wear that. It would look cute on you."

The clothes consisted of black skinny jeans, a white Black Veil Brides t-shirt which I had bought for her this morning for letting me stay in her apartment.

I had gotten over my run-in with Andy, figuring I probably would never see him again. Well, unless Rose drags me to another concert. But he's famous. He's probably already forgotten my name. Bonus for me.

In her lazy drawl, Rose said in a husky voice, "You know me too damn well." The window curtains were open, letting light spill through it, falling on Rose. It really brought out the red in her usual brown hair. 

I smiled. "What are best friends for."


I raised an eyebrow at her suggestion. She only grinned at me, making me roll my eyes and flip her off. 

"I'm going to the store to buy breakfast because I noticed that you only have stuff that is used in the microwave," I told her, half serious, the other mocking. I wasn't kidding, she literally had a fridge full of breakfast bowls and microwave pizza's, and I will not be eating that day after day. "God only knows how you survived," I muttered, picking up a bra off the floor and throwing it into the hamper.

Being Rose, she only shrugged. 

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Just make me some pancakes, woman." 


I was in Wal-mart, getting a few odd looks from on-goers, but hey, a girls gotta eat. As I paid for my groceries and walked out the doors, I felt my pockets vibrate. I groaned internally. My hands were full with grocery bags, and if it was Rose asking if I could get her something, I was going to beat her lazy ass.

Setting my groceries down, I glanced at my tiny screen. 

Jordan: Coming over to visit your new place. No buts.

I grinned. Jordan was my big brother, my only brother. He was, you know, annoying at times, but we still managed to get along. But sometimes I worry that Jordan and Rose were best friends instead of Rose and I. Not that they liked each other or anything. He was just like her big brother too.

Me: KK :) What time will u be here???

Jordan: Tonight

I bet Rose probably already knows the great news. Actually, I bet he told Rose before his own sister. What a brother. 

Sure enough, when I got home, Rose was already buzzing about how Jordan will be coming and everything. I swear, she nearly jumped on top of me, asking how long I've known this. 

"I swear! I didn't know! Pinky swear!" I yelled in complete honesty. It would have been funny, if Rose wasn't so scary. She had locked both my arms behind my back, using her strength to keep me on the floor. If you looked at her, you would have thought she was weak. Tall, but somewhat lanky. And yet again, I stand corrected. 

Rose growled, "You better be telling the truth." Then she brightened. "So how about those pancakes." 

I rolled my eyes. Preparing myself for the rest of the day as she talks nonstop about Jordan. 

Don't worry, Ariana... It'll be about... Twelve more hours.

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