Youth & Whiskey

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I know i'm not the best, but still. Tell me if you like, and if you don't, i don't mind. Please tell me.

And vote.

And fan.

And stuff...

Yeah... Do it, please??? I won't force you. But it would be nice. Please? Yep, that yellow box to your left. Your almost there.... You did it! Well I hope you did. :) 


"Ariana!" Jordan cried, surprising me with a hug.

Catching me off guard, I let out a strangled scream as he continued to squeeze the life out of me. I began to slap him in the back, signaling him to back off, considering that I couldn't talk.

"Huh? Oh." Jordan said, grinning like an idiot. I was always astounded every time I see Jordan, because somehow he always manages to get taller. When I was little, he always used to make fun of how short I am. He hasn't really been telling me that lately, not that I'm complaining. He also just turned twenty-one, and let me tell you. He was pretty ecstatic to have his first legal drink the night of his birthday. 

I heard a distant voice in the hallway. "Is that Jordan? Why is he here so early?" she said, her voice an octive higher each word. When she came into view, she literally screamed. "JORDAN! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE ALREADY!" Unlike me, she had no problem with being choked to death.

Still hugging each other, Jordan said, "I got a present for you."

My mouth dropped open. How come I don't get a present? I'm his sister for god's sake. I deserve a present. I watched in envy as he brought out a container full of... water? No, there was something in it.

Was that a... fish? I spent all my life dealing with him, and yet, she gets a fish. 

"Oh, Jordan!" Rose gushed. "You shouldn't have!"  

"It's a Crowtailed Betta," Jordan stated proudly.

Finally, he noticed my expression, quickly noticing that I felt betrayed. He gave me a nervous grin. "Ariana, you didn't think I'd forget you, would you?" He asked, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a wallet. He took out a ten dollar bill and stuffed in my hands. "Have a candy bar... or two."

Rose's eyes widened. "No. You don't give her candy, any thing chocolate or with lots of sugar. She goes crazy, and pours cold water on you while you sleep!" She really did looked distressed about giving me chocolate. I watched as he took the ten dollars out of my hand with a cautious look. Darn. I really wanted that chocolate. 

"Then what about my present!" I whined. 

"Too bad," Rose shrugged, and turned to her fish. "I'm going to call you Mika, and you will be my Mika." Her eyes were so fixed on that fish that I swear she went cross-eyed. "Mika..." she cooed, kissing the container for about a million times. 

"I have fish food and a bowl in the car, let me go grab it," he told her, his finger pointed outside the window toward his old beat up car I had tried persuading him to get a rid of, but he was to attached to it. It wasn't even pretty, just yellow and rusty.

As he left to his car to retrieve it, Rose looked up from her fish, and shoved the thing thing in my face. "Isn't he so pretty! And blue!" I turned my head so I didn't have to stare at it. "Mmhh..." I muttered. I knew in a week that fish was going to be dead if she somehow didn't remember to feed the thing. Poor fish. I feel for you. 

Jordan walked in, his arms full of fish toys and food. Him and Rose kept themselves busy the rest of the hour by getting the fish ready to it's new home.

I sighed and sat down on the couch, grabbing the remote and the leftover popcorn Rose had left. I hesitated, unsure that it was safe or not. Eh, what the hell, I thought, getting a big handful and shoving it in my mouth. I got a good grip of the remote, and clicked on. 

The Legacy

Born from a dream

On Leather Wings

Rose from the--

I clicked the big red button and turned the TV off as Andy Biersack filled the screen. Oh brother, I thought. He's even on TV.

I heard a rustle from above me, to find Jordan and Rose heading toward the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked, perplexed.

Jordan grinned. "To the bar. It'd be a shame not to get drunk in hollywood."

"Well, go have fun," I told them.

"We will," they replied.

Stupid Andy, ruining my night.

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