Fallen Angels

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  • Dedicated to Jinxx

Yesterday was a drag. 

I swear, I'm more like Rose's mother, not her best friend. And when I told both my band and Black Veil Brides that there will be no drinking? When they all stared at me and looked at each other? Whispered in someone's ear about how mean I am? 

"Killjoy," I heard Ashley whisper in Rose's ear in a sing-song voice. It took all my will not to slap him. Rose had nodded at his statement.

Well, I hate being a killjoy. 

Today, we were packing with BVB for the tour. Turns out we will be in the same bus, a much bigger bus.

I was in my room, Andy helping me pack, which I had declined, but he was so god damn persistent on helping me. "I just want to help tell you what you need to bring," he had said. 

And now look at where we are. 

"Your so obsessed with Falling in Reverse," Andy observed, looking at my pictures to the concert I was at with Falling in Reverse. It didn't help that I had his old Escape the Fate CD playing at the time. A picture of me and Ronnie Radke when I went to his signing. Met a girl name Hayden. We hung out for a while. 

"No, I'm obsessed with Ronnie Radke," I corrected. But yes, I was obsessed with Ronnie Radke. "His music is awesome, and he's awesome. And will always be. He is my inspiration. And he will never die." Realizing how fanned crazed I sound when Andy gave me a weird look. Then shrugged and went back to inspecting my stuff. 

Thirty minutes later, I found him going through my clothes drawers. "No, no," I started, gaining his attention. "Don't do that." He ignored me, and kept opening my dresser drawers. "Do not open that drawer, Andrew Dennis!" I screamed, at him, causing him to jump. "Just don't!"

I knew his middle name thanks to Rose, who was basically taught me Black Veil Brides 101. I also learned that Jinxx's real name was Jeremy Furguson, and that CC's real name was Christian Coma. But I was mostly astonished at Jinxx's real name. 

"Why not?" he asked with a smile on his face. A smile that I didn't like, full of mischief. His hand gripped on the knob and his smile got wider. "Is there something in there that I might need to see?" He smirked. Giving me a feeling that this was what he was looking for the whole time. 

"No," I said blushing, looking down and my sneakers. Suddenly, I wished I hadn't warned him that what was really in there, was wear I stuffed all my bras and underwear. But then he would have opened it anyway, so either way, it was doomed. I was doomed. Well, that sucks.

He laughed, taking his hand off the knob. "I only just wanted to get a reaction out of you," he said, which earned a glare from me.

"Yeah, that's it. Good god, I could kill you," I said, pouting. Trying to make him feel guilty. 

"You wouldn't do that!" He yelled very loudly, that I'm sure even Rose could hear. "You love me!" He said, enveloping me in a hug. 

I scoffed. "No, I barely know you."

"You didn't deny me, at least, that's a start." I laughed at his words, and pushed him away. "Your a tease," he stated, and looked at me in the eyes. It took me seconds to realize how close we were. Andy yet, I couldn't bring myself to get away from him either. 

"Did I ever tell you you have pretty eyes?" He asked. I could only shake my head, aware of the words that didn't make it out of my mouth. Which it was really annoying because I like to talk. 

"Well you do." That was just asking for a witty remark. Of course I didn't say it. I He was to busy distracting me with his eyes, which I always noticed were blue. But this was like, the abyss blue. It made me go warm inside in all different places. "Really pretty eyes by the way." 

He leaned down, about an inch close than were we already were. My breath caught, my eyes never leaving his. He smiled down at me, and I felt his hand take mine, and he backed me up into a wall. His breathing had hitched also. My hands were pinned to the wall, his hand keeping hold. 

His lips connected with mine, and as if instinct, my I shut. It was sweet, steady. But it became deeper, heady and intoxicating. My hands, which were wrapped around his neck, somehow made there way up to his hair, pulling him down to me. 

His lips pulled from my brushing then slightly, leaving me with the same warm feeling the kiss itself had caused. Which was a really scary feeling, considering what I was feeling was more than a crush. 

And that's when I slapped him. 


And I'm sorry for not uploading early. I'm just not that kind of person. So yeah. I'm just lazy. A lazy person who loves black veil brides and has a life but it just belongs to black veil brides... yeah... that is sad isn't it??? 

I need a life... 

I'd appreciate if you comment below :D



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