Perfect Weapon

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  • Dedicated to Jake Pitts

No notification's today. I'ma just get started on the story.

Okay, maybe one. You all know and love Rose. @RewindRemix is making and Ashley Purdy love story, based on this story. Just in Rose's point of view. So, if you like Rose, Read it. It will by called My Outlaw. She's in love with his tattoo, she is even getting it tattooed on her wrist.

And I'm sorry I didn't upload right away. Er... Writers block. 


"So how were we?" I asked excitedly to Andy, already knowing the truth. Not to sound overly confident, but, it was just obvious. I knew we were good, and by the way of the people who were watching's expression, we blew them away.

"How were you not ever discovered before?" He said, his face astonished. "It looked like you didn't even try singing, it just happened." 

A compliment from Andy, this, I would absolutely savor. 

"Thank you," I said, meaning it. I've had compliments about singing before, but this was Andy Biersack. "I'm not that good, I just... really got into it." I shrugged.

"What was the name of your band again?" Andy asked. 

"Silent Masquerade," I replied wistfully.

"That's quite a handful," he said, looking like he was deep into thinking. "How did you come up with?"

I shook my head. "I wasn't in the band until a couple of days ago. You might have to ask Rose about that." I thought about it. I don't think she ever did tell me about it, which was kind of sad because I'm now in the band. Where did Silent Masquerade come from?

"Wait..." Andy started. "A couple days ago? You sounded like you've been in there for years. Who writes the songs?"

"We all do."

"Have you ever written a song for them?" He kept asking me questions while Rose and the 'official people' talked. Since she created the band, she can deal with them. She's probably giving them crap right now, because I know for one thing, Rose does not have any manners. She couldn't be nice to save her life. 

Maybe that was an exaggeration, but she gets what she wants. I'm even afraid to do something to piss her off on purpose. She would have my head ripped off. Joke one bit about red hair, which is her natural color, but she dyed it brown because of reasons. She loved her natural hair, she was just tired of the red hair jokes. So I had noted to myself to never get on her bad side. 

I introduced him to the rest of the band. Well, except Rose, because he already knew her. 

And the whole time I couldn't get over him carrying Andy (my kitten) the whole time. Andy, the kitten, was attached, so it took a while to get him away from the real Andy. Which really was cute, Andy's claws were attached to Andy's jacket, making it hard, but then Rose got annoyed, because she walked over to the struggling cat and grabbed him by the leg, causing me slap her arm and push her away.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," I cooed at the cat, giving him kisses on his head. 

"How come the cat gets kisses," Andy whined, but with his deep voice, he didn't exactly sound like a kid, either. 

"You want a kiss?" I asked.

His eyes widened, but then he smirked," If your offering." I rolled my eyes. What an idiot. But the fact of kissing him didn't really bother, as scary as it sounds. Not that I would have minded. He was cute. And I was already in love with his eyes. 

And no, I'm not In love with him. 

Shaking my head, I said, "You wish." I leaned over to push him away, and at the same time, he grabbed my hand to pull me towards him. And of course, his was more dominate. To catch myself, I put one of my hands on his chest, the other one dragging his hair, for my sake. 

"Ow," he said, rubbing the back of his sculp. "That hurt."

I shrugged, stabling myself. "Better your hair than my leg," I said, giving him a pinch on his cheek and giving him a sweet smile.  

He scowled, glaring at me. "Well you don't see me pulling your hair."

"Kinky," Rose added, walking around us. Giving us two shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. We gave her a questioning look. "What. We get to go on tour with you. Might as well celebrate it. It's not everyday you get to tour with Black Veil Brides." 

I shook my head. "I didn't come her to get smashed. Unlike you,  I actually want to remember this," I said, putting the bottle of vodka in my bag. "No drinks for you."

"You can still remember it!" she cried, outraged. "Besides, just have one drink, it won't be bad."

"I call not being the responsible driver," Andy said, holding his hands up so everyone could see his gesture. "Not this time. I'll go invite the rest of the band."

"No--" I started to scold, but it was too late, he had already brought out his cell phone.

"Hey, Ashley," he said through the fun. Then he laughed at my expression, earning a glare from me. "Are you busy?"

I sighed. Thinking about what a long tour it's going to be.

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