Heaven's Calling

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Another chapter! thanks to all of you who voted and stuff like that. I dedicated this to a person who likes hearts and said and I quote, " I love to put hearts anywhere I can! can't wait for RLS...one of my favourite stories on wattpad! ♥♥♥." Her words so thank you for making my day @BVBArmyRocks.

And also, I don't know if you realize, but it is hard to write one page for me, and when I look at other people's, and they have like seven pages, I freak out when I look at it, and it turns out they have like one line for a paragraph. I have somewhat okay paragraphs, I just skip lines. I cheat :D


"Excuse me?" a BVB fan asked me, tapping on my shoulder. 

Her makeup astounded me, seeing that it was exactly the same way Jake does his makeup, warpaint and everything. To me it seemed hard about how they did their makeup was, and they all did it their selves, which must have took a lot of patience. I already have a hard time applying liquid eyeliner on my eyes, let alone what BVB can accomplish. I've tried, trust me.

"Can I have your autograph?" she asked.

I almost died. It was nice to be heard. To have someone ask you for your autograph. This is what it must be like to be famous. Well, I'm not famous, but it was the greatest feeling in the world.

I happily obliged, taking the sharpie from her hand and writing sloppily on the sheet of paper she wanted me to sign. A warm feeling filled my stomach as I did so. 

It was actually kind of funny watching Rose's reaction when a group of fans approached her. I heard her happily cheer, "Hell yeah!" and grabbed the pen with the biggest grin on her face. And it was no surprised that the boys were surrounded by a bunch of girls. Hudson and Drew chatted with the whole group, while Stefan just looked uncomfortable, and just nodded at the girls who tried to make conversation. He always was the shy one.

Then there was BVB, who were all signing photographs, smiling gleefully. The crowd laughed as CC made a joke, though I didn't exactly hear what he said. 

For fun, I asked a fan if she had an extra sharpie and paper. 

Fans made a passage for me as I tried to get though, recognizing me as that one singer from that one band. Our band name is quite a handful, maybe. But it wasn't that easy to forget. But luckily, they did remember. I heard a couple people say,  "That's the lead singer from Silent Masquerade." I was more than happy to smile at them.

It was funny that out of the whole band, I spent most of my time with Andy for the past days, more than Rose, and I live with her. I realized that Andy spent more time with me that Juliet too, but told myself to not look into it. I don't want any drama to his life. 

"Mr. Biersack," I said with a grin, practically shoving my pen and paper in his face. Realizing it sounded like I was flirting. I was never the type who did that, so it was very astonishing to me at the way it sounded.  "Can I have your autograph?" 

"Why yes, fellow fan," he replied. His remark was kind of ironic, since I never even heard of them since I moved in with Rose. Very short time, but a lot of events happened in the time being. Our hands touched as he reached to grip my pen to sign, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. 

Your whipped. Those were the words that popped up in my head when we touched.

"There you go." Andy had signed the paper, and gave it back to me.

And like the devoted fellow fan I was, I suddenly screamed, "Andy! I love you!" and gave him a huge hug like I seen a girl do a little while ago, so excited that she had his autograph, she 

He stiffened, a shocked look on his face. He didn't look mad though, in fact, he looked very happy. He didn't push me off, didn't make a face of disgust. Yeah. I think that boosted myself esteem a little bit better. 


After the concert, we all celebrated. We didn't drink, we just simply hung out in our bus, both BVB and Silent Masquerade. 

I happily volunteered to cook, since no one else would. Andy trailed after me, mumbling that he would help since nobody would get off their ass and help. But truthfully, I didn't mind him helping. It was funny how I finally knew how I felt about him. Not that I was going to tell him. That would be like suicide. 

Holding the knife carefully, I cut the carrots that was in our mini fridge. Meanwhile, Andy and I were making small talk about what bands we liked, or about his family. That's why it took me by complete surprise when he asked about my family.

"Ow!" I cried, as the knife cut my hand, not paying attention to the fact about how he asked about my family. I just stood there and watched as my blood fell in drops on the floor. "At least it was tile or else I would never be able to wash this out."

Unlike me though, Andy was freaking out. His hands were on his head, gripping his hair nervously, probably thinking I need to go to a hospital or something. It was kind of amusing to watch, or at least, distracted me from my not so battle wound. "Ariana?! Are you okay?"

I was tempted to snicker, and said sarcastically, "No Andy. I just like to bleed." Changing the conversation, I said, "I'm going to Rose's room. She's got the bandaids." I didn't dare tell him they were the waterproof ones with Finding Nemo characters on them. We silently made our way over to Ariana's bunk.

We did not find the Finding Nemo bandaids I was looking for. What we found was a whole lot more interesting. Rose, but she wasn't alone. Nope, instead she was on top of Ashley. It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were doing. A perplexed Andy looked at me and mouthed the words, "how?"

Rose and Ashley looked up at us unfazed. "A little privacy?" Ashley asked. They didn't even looked the least bit violated. 

"Uh.... sure."

"That was weird," I informed to Andy after we made our way out to give them their privacy. "I knew she was interested, but I didn't know they'd get together. So like I said, weird."

Andy shrugged. "I've see weirder, for example, CC's twitter profile picture is a picture of him with a horse's body."

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