New Religion

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So. Here it is. New Religion. Yep. I only started this today because I'm too stubborn to write, so sorry for those of you waiting. On the bright side I got cookie dough.

And I never got the time to thank you for voting. Only fourteen chapter and I got 95 votes! One of them was just a poll and not real chapter story, so I just want to thank some people who voted:

RonnieRules; AnnieTheNerd; BVBFreak;BVBArmyRock; emo_celler; KyleighPurdy; XoXEmo_AngelXoX; AndySixxLover123; CrystalizedHearts; TeganLouise; BVBArmy666; Purdiness; HugzFromHell; chels16; KassydiRose.

If I missed you I'm so sorry! tell me, and I'll thank you next chapter. I don't like write down or anything, but yeah. Thanks.

You know the drill: read, vote, fan.

"These, are barbecue chips. What the fuck," Rose said, looking down at them as if it was poison. "I swear to fucking god, I asked for dill pickle." She took the bag of chips from my hands, and littered on the ground. My mouth dropped. I swear to god I was going to kill somebody since I went all the way to the store to buy chips and a pen for nothing.

Hudson picked it up. "What's the matter with you! You don't just go throwing chips on the floor. Ariana went all the way to get that for you!" I nodded. "Show some respect."

"Yeah!" I agreed. "I had to go with Andy!"

Andy looked up and said, "It wasn't that bad.” He had been playing with his new light up pen that I bought him, turning it on and off. It was sad to think about it, but he was more mature than most people. I looked at Hudson, who happily at the chips, and sighed.

“So, Ariana,” Rose nudged me. “You excited for tonight? Just think about it. Silent Masquerade opening for Black Veil Brides, and this all started with a rock concert, some booze, and a stupid brother who likes to get in fights.

“Other than the hundreds of people that’s going to see us? I’m just peachy.” I picked up Andy, my cat, and petted his back. He purred silently. “I wish you could go see us, Andy,” I murmured and kissed his fur.

The original Andy looked at me, and shook his head. “I still can’t believe you named your cat after me. Isn’t it confusing? I actually thought you were talking to me for a minute.”

“What. He looks just like you! We went through this,” I exclaimed. “Besides, it’s too late to change it. Whenever I say Andy, it gets his attention. Besides, it suits him more than you.”

Rose laughed, “You know how many BVB fans would kill you for dissing Andy? Not only once, but multiple times. Why don’t you treat him like a regular human being once in a while? I think Andy and his fans would appreciate that.”

“I do treat him with respect!” I said, defending myself. “You try being with him all the time. “

“Before we went to see them, I’d kill to be with them all the time. And look, here we are. I have to deal with Ashley. It’s not a bad thing, you know. And Ash is ten times worse.”

“Ashley?” I asked, confused. “I haven’t seen you hanging out with him. Why is he always hanging around you anyways?”

I raised an eyebrow as I watched her blush, but didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to answer either since all I got was silence, if you didn’t count Hudson eating those chips.

“Can I have a say in this?” Andy asked. Considering we were talking about him the whole time, then yeah. Rose and I gave him my full attention. “I happen to think I deserve what Ariana does to me. I don’t do things that rewarding to her either… Like follow her around so she would get annoyed.”

I twitched. “You do that on purpose?”

He gave me a curious look, and smirked. “Like you didn’t like it.” Close to slapping him, I realized the this was a regular thing, and that everyday I want to slap him. Dumbass. 


Once I began to sing, I suddenly not so  nervous anymore. None of the other band members had nerves but me, because as they predicted, we were great. The crowd loved us, though they never heard of us.

It was like Rose's wonderland, seeing a lot of people wearing Black Veil Brides t-shirts and the makeup. Not all of them were perfect but you could still tell you they were trying to be. Some people were mixes, with Andy's stitches or Ashley's line on the side, CC's tears. It was just all very cool to see. 

One we finished our opening song, I gave though microphone to Rose who happily screamed, "WE ARE THE SILENT MASQUERADE!" A loud out roar began, causing the band to smile. 

I guess it was true, we were a good band, we were born for it. The Silent Masquerade. It was meant to be. I looked over to see Andy grinning at me. As our eye's met, I smiled back.

Meant to be. 




not very long, I know. I'm lazy. ugh. thanks for reading. :D

Oh and would it be a shame to vote for myself? I never voted for anything of mine. Please tell me it that would be cheating.

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