Love Isn't Always Fair

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  • Dedicated to CC

It's a shame. Andy has a girlfriend if I heard correctly. Well, he's happy not, that makes me happy. Known this for a while now, but it was the first time to ever strike me that I should put her in the story. For a second I thought I was going to have to go through writer's block forever! Thank god that's over!

And Andy broke his nose. That killed me. He's like, a magnet to danger, or something, he is always hurting himself, and yet, he still looks good with a broken nose. 


Andy's POV

Shock ran though my body. The slap didn't hurt, but I wasn't expecting Ariana to get all violent on me. Or well, I was ready for it actually, when I kissed her. Because honestly? I didn't think she would like me. But I didn't know what was more surprising, the fact that Ariana slapped me, or that she actually kissed back. 

I didn't ask her 'what was that for?'. Instead I stayed quiet, trying to decipher her expression. She didn't look mad, just embarrassed. 

"What was that for?" she asked slowly. Her black hair falling into her eyes, set with a neon pink bow. She wore a lot of black eyeliner, like me, but just not as overboard. She was beautiful, and I'm sure she knew that, but she didn't take advantage of it. 

 "What do you mean?" I asked, perplexed. "I just kissed you." My eyes turned to her accusingly, "Why'd you slap me?" 

"Reflex?" She suggested, shrugging. 

"I doubt that." I rolled my eyes. "Why do you hate me?" I asked out of the blue, my eyes still searching hers. 

Ariana sighed. "I don't hate you," she started. "I don't think I'm ready to just... you know." She blushed, her arms had crossed, and she looked down on the floor awkwardly, as if she didn't want to talk about it. I know she didn't. 

I just shook my head. "I get it."

She grinned up at me appreciatively, maybe glad that she got out of this mess, and said, "Thanks." And with that, she gave me a pat on the head and a cheeky smile. "You still going to help you pack? I can do it alone," she suggested.

I grinned back at her. "I was kind of hoping I could go through your drawers some more."


"So tell me about yourself." Ariana said as she packed the rest of her stuff. 

"Well... My name is Andy..."

She shook her head. "Aside from the obvious, Andy." 

I thought about it for a while. "I'm obsessed with batman."

"What?" she asked, perplexed. 

"I like to collect batman stuff. Comic books, action figures." I'm sure when I spoke I had a dreamy look on my face. 

She snorted. Probably didn't sound very attractive, but I thought it was cute. "How did you get into that?"

I smiled. "When I was a kid I was interested in it. My dad use to buy me the stuff." (a/n: Yeah... I got this information so yeah... It's not like I take notes or anything, I just remember it.)

"What else?" 

"I was once an idiot and broke my ribs." She raised an eyebrow. "I hit my head on the black square thing. I was on top of this higher one. I don't know what I was trying to accomplish, but it sure hurt." I remember Matt Good helping me up, and me continuing the show. It hurt like hell, but hey, the show must go on. 

"Have you ever been in love?" Ariana asked curiously.

I nodded. "Yeah, when I was fifteen. I fell for a girl name Scout Compton. I still talk to her, though. She's awesome." (Another A/N: I don't know what it is with BVB fan fictions. Either she's a cheating bitch, or an awesome ex. so yeah. she's going to be the awesome ex in this story :)

Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Haven't I heard of that name before?"

"Wow." I said. "You've never heard of Black Veil Brides, even though you listen to music like it. I know Ronnie Radke by the way. Scout's an actress. How the hell have you not heard of us?"

I watched her shrug. And then, as if she just registered my words, she yelled, "You know Ronnie!" Wow. I've never seen her so excited. I might have to introduce them. I'm sure he doesn't remember her from concerts. 

"So anyways, I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio. My mom and dad's names are Amy and Chris. I'm their only son. I use to live with my friend Chance down there. I miss it down there, but I'm better of being who I am today." He gestured himself, the black clothing, the look.

I went on. "My first band was called Biersack. Then It became Black Veil Brides. With Chris Hollywood and Sandra Alva." 

"And now. I'm just, me. See, Ariana? You got my whole life story in five minutes. 


As soon as Ariana was situated, I left her and the rest of the band to explore their new bus. Instead, I was with my own band, getting our band ready. 

"So... you helped Ariana pack..." Ashley started knowingly. The band leaned in closer to hear what he had to say. "Did you finally grow a pair and kiss her." I ignored him his question. "Your not answering the question."

I glared at him. "That's because it's none of your business."

CC and Jake looked at each other. "He didn't kiss her," Jake said. "That's probably why he isn't saying it, he would be admitting it." 

CC laughed. "I say he did. Did you see his face? He was blushing." Damn. "Hey Andy, how was it?" Jinxx shook his head in laughter. 

Rolling my eyes, I walked away from them as they argued with each other whether Ariana and I kissed or not. Yes, I like Ariana. I really liked her. But if she's not ready, that's okay. I can wait. Who knows. We can still be friends. 


Later that night, We all decided to go out. .

That was when I met Juliet Simms. She was sweet. Her hair was blonde, and she had blue eyes like mine. 

I didn't fall for her, but by the end of the night, we were officially a couple. 

I guess Ariana is going to have to wait. 

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