All Your Hate

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Another Chapter! Everyone. Please vote, fan, or comment. That would be nice. I’m not making you it was merely a suggestion. But I’ll love you forever it you do.

And, yes. I know I'm predictable.

And I dedicated this to BVBFreak, for that very nice comment she left on the last chapter. :)


Oh, and everyone? I made another story :) It's called Black Magic, and it's about necromancers. So read it, and tell me if it's good, just for the vote of confidence.  Oh, and @RemixRewind and me are going to be making a Falling in Reverse fan fiction together, also. I'll put on details in later chapters. But seriously, I read some of these Falling in Reverse fan-fiction, and they kind of freak me out. Not naming anyone, but there was a story of the main character and Ronnie having sex, and they barely knew each other for a day. So, hopefully ours will be awesome and trust me, it will. :)


Ariana’s POV

“He what?” I yelled at Rose through the phone, after hearing about Jordan’s little adventure to the hospital. “Why did he get in a fight anyways,” I asked. “Were you not watching?"

“Don’t blame me,” Rose defended herself. I could tell she was tired, hearing her yawn every five minutes. “Besides, he was drunk. Then he got in fight with another drunk guy. You know how that works. It happens all the time! So, when he wakes up, you yell at him,” she ordered.

“Alright then. I’ll meet you at the hospital,” I said, still a little pissed of at Jordan. Curiously, I asked, “If you were guys were drunk, then how’d you get there?” Please don’t say she drove when she was drunk, I prayed, looking up toward the sky.

“I’ll explain later? Just hurry up? Please?” was all she said before she hung up. Sighing, I shoved my cellphone in purse and grabbed the keys to my car. “Thank god for GPS,” I muttered when I put the address in the life saving machine.

When the building came into view, I sped up, till I was in the parking lot. I literally ran inside, running up to the desk clerk. “Jordan Taylor?” I asked hastily.

She glanced at her computer. “It’s uh… room 317?”

When I came across the room number, I had learned that it wasn’t only Rose in the room. But it was hard to make out the other person with all the black he was wearing. But I didn’t care about him or Rose. Right now, my main priority was Jordan, who must have woken up when I was driving here.

He looked terrible. His face was bruised and it looked like it hurt like hell. “Look,” he said. “I know your going to give me a speech, but can we cut the crap and try to get me out of here? The doctor said I was okay. I don’t see the need of being here.”

“You’ll get out when the doctor says you can go out,” I said smugly. It was his fault he got in a fight anyway. This was his punishment. That, and I’m still going to give him that speech anyway when we get home.

Jordan pouted, lower lip sticking out and everything. Then he said through gritted teeth, “Don’t be a bitch.”

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