Knives and Pens

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Do you like the song choice? I do :D This was the first music video I watched with Black Veil Brides in it... fell in love with it... and the rest is history. So basically, I just got an unhealthy obsession with BVB. 

This is dedicated to ShatteredVanity11 because she wrote upload in two comments on the last chapter. Now that's dedication. :D

Photo of Jake on the side ––> :D


Not that much later, Juliet joined us.

We all were crowded inside our tour bus. It was okay with hanging out with them, considering they are not the most grown up people here.

I think the only sane people here were Juliet, Stefan, and me. I guess Andy of course too. I looked over at Rose to see her petting Jake's hair. Yeah, definitely sane. 

"So," Juliet broke my train of thought. We were together because when I went to do the dishes, she volunteered herself to help me. Nobody thought any difference.

"You and Andy seem close. When did you guys meet?" she asked quietly, as if she didn't want anybody to listen to her. 

"At BVB's concert," I replied, drying a used plate. I knew what she was trying to do, she was trying to see if he was cheating on her, but he had done nothing, and I wasn't going to let her get thoughts in her head about what he did with me when she wasn't here.

Somehow, I don't blame her though, since he spent more time with me than her, but it's her fault she doesn't have the time. "Why do you want to know?"

"Just curious," she said, biting her lip. She looked like she wanted to say something, but hesitated. I nodded, saying that she can ask me anything.

"Have you and Andy ever dated, or you know...." She blushed, looking down, making her blonde hair hide her face. "Not to bring back memories, but yeah... you guys seem close. Closer than what Andy and I are."

We kissed. That's it. Only a heat of the moment thing.

I didn't say we even kissed at all because I didn't think Juliet would be very happy with me if she found out we did kiss. 

"Nope," I replied. "Nothing happened. He doesn't even like me."

That was pretty much true. I think. I'm not very good at reading peoples feelings. And if I do, I look into it too much.  I freak out around them, and they never want to hang out with me ever again.

She smiled at me, looking a little bit relieved. I thought about what it would be like in her point of view and decided that I would probably talk to the girl who spent most of her time with my boyfriend. Because, like I said, I look into stuff too much.

"So your a singer?" I asked to change the awkward topic. 

She nodded excitedly. "Yeah, you ever  heard of us? The bands name is called Automatic Loveletter. Ring a bell?" 

Actually, I haven't. But I nod to make her feel better. I don't think her band has a lot of publicity. "Yeah, I think I heard a song or two." 

But all in all, this may have actually have been a heart to heart conversation.

"Since when were you two best friends?" 

We both jumped at the new voice. 

"Andy!" Andy indeed,  Juliet yelled, holding a hand to her heart. The look of true terror was still on her face.  "I could kill you for scaring me."

Rebel Love Song (Andy Biersack Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now