chapter 32

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Song at the top goes with it. Just keep replaying it till the end trust me it makes a difference. x

Kadijah's POV

"So your telling man that you just up and left south because you was fed up of the life you was living?" Izys voice came out as a breath. He was planted on the stairs of my new house. After he spotted me in KFC I suggested we walk back to mine so it was a bit more private. Now he was damanding answers from me.

"Yeah. You don't get how hard it was for me Izy" I let go of the oxygen I was holding in my lungs as I saw his face expresion change slightly.

"I don't know what you've been through... I dont know how hard it was for Kadijah I have lived in south london the whole of my life
I've been through more shit then you. Seen people die in front of my own eyes. Been in pen more times then I was in school. Seen mum fall to pieces and crumble like she was never going to get back up again but you think that after some small shit you can just up and leave? What about the rest of us Kads? You just gonna let us suffer while you live this ideal life yh. Calm sis. I guess the phrase blood is thicker then water don't mean shit to you." He stands to his feet as his words hit me like hard bullets.

"You can't say that Izy! I felt like I was dying in south I couldn't take it anymore "

"And I'm already dead".  Those words were the last that left his lips before he walked out my door.
Out my life.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rochells POV

I stared at the one way window that held all the tention in the room. I knew they were staring at me.
Watching me.
Analysing my every movement.

My leg was killing me but they had taken me hospital to get it fixed already. Kmt at least the dirty pigs had some respect.

"Sorry we kept you waiting" The door opened as a tall hench looking man came in with a file in his hands.

"We need to wait for a gurdian before we can do any fourm of questioning." He looked at me as he took a seat on the hard metal chair opposite me.

I'm not telling them nothing.
I don't owe sh*t to the pigs.
They haven't done nothing to help me.

"Rochelle i've got your file here and this is not looking good for you. You've been arrested twice before. You was put on probation for your third offence, you were recently involved in a crime that was committed against a rival gang and now you've been caught with class A drugs. You do understand that this could be the end of the road for you Rochelle ". His voice was harsh but soft. As if I was only but a child that was stealing out the cookie jar.

I don't say anything tho.

"Rochelle baby!" My mums voice bounces of the walls as the door opens revealing her frail body. Behind her was another fed.

"Baby what have you done now. Why Roch." Tears ran down her face as her warm hands held both my cheeks.

The officer in front cleared his throat causing my mum so take a seat next to me. I continued to stare at the one way window. Why was I in an interagation room? They knew what I had done.

"Rochelle who supplied you with those drugs" He stood up and placed a heavy palm in front of me so he was leaning in my face.
The room fell silent.

Lol I aint snaking nothing.

"Rochelle i'll ask again. Who supplied you with those drugs?"

"Rochelle baby please answer".

"Rochelle if you don't tell me who supplied you with the drugs you will be arrested for handling illegal substances and will be sent to juvenile delinquency. Is that what you want? . Tell us who you got it from and all of this could be over with." The officer was growing impatient.
Good let him get pissed.

I aint no snitch. Speacially not for no fed.

"I'm not a snake. Do what you want". I looked the pig right in the eye. He gave a short nod of his head and a small smirk ate at his lips.

He walked towards the door and told me and my mum to follow him. As soon as I stepped out I saw Tykizzel Gemz Ibz and a couple other boys being questioned at seprate tables. They all stared at me. A couple mouthed "are you good" I shrugged honestly not knowing the answer. In the corner of my eye I saw Lashaune and Telvins faces masked with worried expresions.
Then suddenly everything went in slow motion, like i was in a movie.

"Rochelle Karlean Richards
I am arresting you for handling illegal substances . You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."

"NOOO! NO NOT MY BABY NO!" My mums screams seamed muffled. It felt like I was watching everything from outside my body. Gemz came running up to me trying to push the fed that was hancuffing my wrists off me. Lashaunes screams were barely audible through my mums shouting. My mum was pulled back by a short female offer to stop her from getting to me.

My legs moved as I was pushed out the station by an officer. The blue and red lights flashed brightly in my eyes as the car door opened and I was put inside.

I stared out the window at my crying mother kneeling on the pavement screaming my name.
I couldn't do nothing.
I couldn't snake one of my own.
I couldn't hug my mum.

But then again I'm just another black teen.

The car drove slowly past the station and through the dark quiet roads of south london. I watched and took in every detail of my city.
The city I grew up in.
The city everyone wanted to escape from.

The doors opened as I was dragged out the car and into a tall big buliding. I walked foward as an electrical gate opened for us.

"Holding" The fed behind me said to a man behind a counter. He nodded then directed us to a long black corridor. It was dim and badly lit. There was cells on each side and a nasty smell of mould and piss. We  came to a stop in front of an open door. I was pushed in to the room then uncuffed. The loud bang of the metal door was all the noise I heard. I stared at the mattress in front of me.
Only now did I finally realise.
Once you get involved with the streets..

You become chanied to them.

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