Chapter 4

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Kadijah POV

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock opposite my bed . Kmt it was two in the afternoon already and no one thought to tell me nah? I turned over in bed and grabbed my phone from the charger,that was plugged into the socket behind me.

I unlocked the screen and saw bare whatsapp messages, pings from BBM and fb messages. I opened a message from Rochelle first.


-babe are you alright? Imma come yours tomorrow at 3 yh. So be ready.

I looked at the line "babe are you alright" and read it over and over again. How the fuck am I meant to be alright please? Thinking about yesterday makes me actually want to throw up. How the hell did I stab a man? BMT I thought I was going to die.
I can still feel his hands around my neck squeezing tighter and tighter.
I get out of my bed and jog down the stairs as I'm turning towards the kitchen my mum calls me from the living room.

"Kadijah come in here for a bit" her voice sounding slightly annoyed.

I walk in to the sitting room and find two Feds sitting on my sofa. My own sofa uno lol pricks.

"Skeen don't sit on my chairs with your dirty selves" I say screwing them both in turn.

"Kadijah don't speak to them like that" my marj raises her eyebrow in warning for me to behave. Tell me why she's putting on a English accent please?

"It's alright mame. Kadijah where just hear to ask you if you know anything about the stabbing of a young man last night a couple blocks from here? It was reported by a shop keeper" one of the pigs asked me. I looked at him and screwed him like he asked for my left arm.

"No, even if I did I still wouldn't tell you" I kept a straight face. On the inside I was shaking with nerves.

"Well if you do find out anything.....

Just then a brick smashed through the front room window. Sending shards of glass everywhere.
There was shouting from outside.
Me and my mum stayed crouching low while the two Feds rushed out the room shouting into the Walkie talkies, to see what was going on.

I picked up the brick and a white piece of paper was stuck on it. I read the writing and instantly dropped the brick to the ground.


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