chapter 3

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"What the hell was that about?" I asked looking at Kadijah. We're walking through cage to get to her yard just in case the boys followed us we didn't want them to know exactly where we were heading. So we took the long way.

"Kads i'm talking to you man" Her eye's where focused on her hands, she looked up at me and stared me in the face for a while then looked back at her hands again.

"I don't think she's alright Rochelle, she did just stab a man" Dajah still looks scared and shocked about what just happened. We stopped walking and sat on a bench expecing Kadijah to come sit aswell but she continued walking.

"Aye where you going?" I shouted to her.

"Yard" She said still looking at her hands.

"yh were following you tho inih, so come sit down for a bit." I looked at her confused.

"No i'm going yard." Before I could try and make her stay she was gone round the corner out of site.

"I swear he was going to kill her" Dajah says randomly.

"yh probably would have." Even the thought makes me grimace.

"Why was he so vex tho? What did she even do to his younger?"

"I dunno but i'm going to find out tho".

My phone started ringing so I got it out of my pocket. It was a unknown number.


?-hey ferrero Rochelle

me- lol hey chyanne

chyanne- oh my days how did you know it was me?

me- only you call me that plus you didn't even try and hide your voice.

chyanne- well next time i'll whisper, what you doing?

me- how does that change anything and in peckham how about you?"

chyanne- dead ,i'm bored I beg you lets link in Kaspas on east street.

me- what now?

chyanne- yeah

me- Ahh can't need to be some where, how about tomorrow?

chyanne- your always busy man but fine. Gonna bell lauren see if she's on it. Anyway talk to you later yh bye.

me- mm

I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket. I really wanted to tell her about what just happened but it's not really my business to tell. Plus how is this girl bored at some thing to ten in the evening :/ . Chyanne's Kadijah's best friend and one of my close one's. She's the youngest out of all of us. She's 15 where as were all 16. She's short and dark skinned. Also the most childish one, always acting dopey.

I look up to see Dajah faling asleep on the bench.

"Aye come we go" I tap her leg lightly.

"Aren't you gonna check on Kadijah?" she asks getting up and streching.

"Nah i'll go her yard in the morning to see if she's nice." I say to her leading the way back to the main road.

"Ok" She links her arm in mine and we start walking.

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