enam || six

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Kendra come visiting and take me out for girl's night out. Saying I need freshening up and stop being such a moody bıtch. The smoked filled room is surrounding me, loud music and louds people.

I sat uncomfortable on the stool, the giant glass of beer in front of me while Kendra is talking with a guy she just met.

"Hey, I'm Dirk" the man behind the table said as he extends his hand for handshake. "Chris" I small smile him.

"I never saw you around the town, Christina"

"My name is Chris not Christina" I rolled my eyes, "And I'm just visiting my parents s'all"

Dirk chuckles before grinning, "Feisty, I'm sorry Chris i must've misheard" His eyes doesn't show any sorry. "Ah, welcome to the town, where you from?"


"You know Chris, we should be hanging out sometimes" He said before winking, as you know what i am do best, rolling my eyes before waving him off. "No thanks, I have boyfriend"

The sentence just bluntly out of my mouth without me realize.

"Who say I'm going that way?" He cock his head aside.

"Sorry dude, but I know the way you act and don't think I don't know where this conversation of yours leads to. I'm not stupid" I shake my head in refusal.

I could hear him murmured Bıtch before leaving me alone to another costumer.

I release a big nice breaths, I don't feel good anymore with Kendra's idea of freshening up. I tell Kendra that I need to go, she's nodding before swapping phone numbers with the blonde guy.

"He's totally fit!" She's excitedly said as she take the car out of the parking lot, "What about the guy that ask you out?"

There a pause for a moment, " Oh, yeah anyway, I really like this guy but I get a feeling that we won't get too far" Her voice is small and distant.

"Ken, listen, he want to get to know you, that's why he asked you out, I mean, it's mean he likes you too"

"But, why he just asked me out just now? I've seen him past years and why just now?"

"Well, I don't know that Ken, but let's just stay positive"

The rides home is goes silent as the conversation died down. The car slowed down as it come to my neighborhood and stopped in front of the grey house.

"Thanks Ken, and don't forget tomorrow morning we have to go" I said before hug her goodbyes.

I unlock the front door before shutting slowly, aware on might be waking Mom and Dad. I tiptoed to the stairs, "He come to see her, Manuel" I heard a muffled voice of Mom as I passed their shared bedroom. "You know, it's still confuse me why he seems so liking Chris" I stop in the mention of my name. Like freeze.

I shake my head before tiptoe to my bedroom and shut the door softly. I throw my body to the bed only groaning in response. The bed is hard makes me back aches.

About the guy from the Wal-Mart earlier, did he know me? Or do I know him?


It's a filler. I'll update soon, hopefully tonight. My time (GMT +8)

And what's your favorite song in
Made In The A.M.?

Mine is;
-love you good bye
-if i could fly
-what a feeling
-drag me down

And the rest is perfect too, but that's my top 7.

And oh pillow talk is out.

Highlight with your questions.

p.s. i got emotional! 😟😭💔💕

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