sepuluh || ten

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The way we're holding each-other, it's like putting the puzzle back in the place. It's somehow feel different when I'm hugging Jackson and anyone else.

Harry cried died down and I now layed down in his bed, his childhood bedroom. He breathes softly in the cork of my neck, he is now calmed down from his sudden emotions. I don't know maybe he is asleep, because he got so quite.

My fingers danced across his curls, somehow like massaging his head. And I feel like nothing matters anymore.

My eyes grows tired as I feel my eyes closed in the darkness. As they take me in.

I wish I could see my Green Eyes mysterious man in my dream. I kinda miss him. A lot.

"Merry Christmas, Harry" I softly whisper. And I felt an arm tighter around my waist.


Harry's POV

Her heartbeat is like symphony to my souls, her chest up and down in breathing. Her eyes closed as her upper eyelashes touching her cheeks. She's so beautiful, more beautiful than an angel.

There something in her eyes asking myself, what happen, what am I missing?

I might be not the best man in the world but I can promise her the world. I've been with her since he very beginning. I could never forget the day I saw her in school hallways. I could say she's cute and nerdy but still beautiful.

Last year been so stressful, me being dad and the break up, and the long gone girlfriend.

My son, he live with his mother. I named him Christian, somehow always makes me remember of my first ever real love, Chriseve.

This evening when I saw her again, my heart shattered. She comes back when I'm on my progress of moving on. She deserves someone better than I am. But like I once promised her, that I'll be always watching her moving on with her life and catches her dreams.

To escape the city and follow the sun.

I just wished that maybe I can froze the moment and keep it in the frame. So I don't have to feel the way of missing her, again.

I remember that day, it so clear and fresh in my memory. I walk down the hallway and all eyes on me. My eyes scan the kids in front of the locker, I searching for someone. Till my eyes set on one, the beautiful creation that I've been looking for.

And the flashback on the first kiss we have, the soft tip of her lips still perfectly captured me. I almost get myself lost in the kiss.

I just wished that I could be with her without drama. I just want to have her around, because I need her. With her, I could silence the demons inside of me.

I pulled her close to me and just hold her tighter, breath in her scents. Already get myself lost in memories.

"Hey Chris, I miss you so much, princess" I whisper softly when I peck her on the cheeks and closed my eyes with biggest smile in my feature.

If this is the last time I saw her then I'm gonna make it last forever.

Because we all know that I will always loves her and she'll always have that special place in my heart.

Even when I'm fat and old.



I'm blank :(  btw it's harrys pov

I got drunk in the other morning and I accidentally text LazyButt lot of texts and all of them are drunken text.

I'm surely fucked up.
- koko

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