satu || one (edited)

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ALL I COULD HEAR IS a machine noise. I couldn't feel my body, it felt numb. I just felt like death has crawled inside me, but there was an ache in me. But I don't know what it was. I'm in a bright room, everything is white in here.

"I love you Chriseve Rose."

I heard someone mumbling, but I don't see anyone here,

"I love you Chriseve Rose."

I could feel that someone was whispering in my ear. I could feel their hot breath, but I couldn't see anybody.

"Can i kiss you Chriseve Rose?"

It was a deep and raspy voice.

"You'll never be alone."

I close my eyes, tightly, hoping the voice would disappear, but it only got louder, I screamed as the voice continued, it has been screaming in my ears saying 'you'll never be alone' I close my eyes.

All of sudden my eyes opened, and I could see all the colors. First thing I see is my mom, she's hovering over me with tears in her eyes.


I got released from the hospital two days ago, they said I had a fatal accident and it could cause a memory loss but I don't think I had any, because I remember everyone. Mom and dad visited me in my apartment in London. Jackson took a day off for taking care of me. I love him, I love everyone.

"More syrup?" Jackson asked as he poured it on my pancakes. I shake my head, "No, it's enough, thanks Jack." I said as i kiss him on the cheek before sitting on the stool. "I'm glad you know, you didn't lose your memory. And if you did, i don't know what I would do with it.

I'll be, heartbroken, for sure. You're my best friend, my soul-mate's, my heart beat, my world, and my first love, and I don't know what I'm going to do if you ever forget about me. I've cried a lot in front of you, I've cried a lot in your shoulder and I've cried a lot in your embrace. I trust you more than I trust myself, I trust you more than I trust anyone I know in my whole life"

I smiled to his words, "I won't".

Me and Jackson sit on the sofa watching reruns of Monte Carlo. "Do you ever think that someone out there that looks like you is famous?" He call out, i knitted my eyebrows before look at him, confused. He rolled his eyes, "I mean, like this movie, Grace have someone really look like her. And Cordelia is famous and rich" Him and his analysis.

"Mom said if I ever want to living with my parents, I could just go to Cheshire and live with them so they make sure i take my medicine right. And they had missed too much in my life" I released big breath, I feel Jackson entwined our fingers before he reached out to kiss the knuckles. "You promised to never leave me alone, you're all i got." I lay my head in his shoulders.

"Mom called this morning while you were asleep, she said she missed me and she would like if i come visit her and stayed for a week. And you go back to the hospital, your patients need you" I whisper, he put his hand on my hand.

"What about you? You need me too."

"But I'll manage, I'll see my mom too, she could take care of me good, you know" I retort, and i could feel his discomfort, "You're bored of me, are you?" His choice of words annoy me, "Jackson please, if you're just gonna be dıckhead just please get the fūck away from me and just see your patients for heaven sake"

He could be pain in the a$$ sometimes to be honest. I honestly don't get it, why would he waste so much money and time in medical school if he were this selfish. I leave the living room and go to my room and lock it behind, in case he comes in. But i love him.

I jump to my bed and cover my head to toe with the heavy blanket. In hopes to get some sleep. I am so tired, please let me sleep.

If I didn't have you, there would be nothing left

The shell of a man who could never be his best

If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun

You taught me how to be someone

A soft voice singing, I don't know Jackson could sing though. He got a really nice voice. I really hope he's not taking our arguments to heart. He's my best friend, I don't want to lose him.


It take quite some time to update it because I'm a college girl now.

And here your updates and i really hope you like it because i love it very much.

Ansel Elgort is played as Jackson Johnson.

Hope you like it as much i like it.

Love you

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