Chapter 1

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Copyright © 2018 by Chelsei G.

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" Why do you have to go to that stupid convention anyways?"my best friend Mel groans through the phone

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" Why do you have to go to that stupid convention anyways?"my best friend Mel groans through the phone."No offense Car but you don't even fit in, you don't even want to run the stupid company!" she rants.

" I know, i know. " i say putting my jeans in my pink suitcase, and trying to balance the phone between my cheek and ear. " But look on the bright side, this is my very last Youth Business Convention and then i'm free! Next summer it'll just be you, me, and the college life."

" Yeah i guess so." Mel sighs. " I guess i can last two measly months without my best friend. But when you get back we have to go shopping! We can't start our senior year in rags." Mel says excitedly.

" We don't wear rags." i say laughing."Exaggerating a bit much. But ok we can do that to make up for our lost time." I huff sitting on my suitcase to get it to close.

"Promise?" Mel asks.

"Promise." I say zipping my luggage. " I have to go talk to my mom about my flight plans for in the morning, but i'll call you tomorrow night when i'm settled in."

"Alright Car, and let me know about all the hot guys you see." Mel says laughing through the phone.

"Diddo." I say smiling and hanging up.

Now to try to convince my mom to let me stay home one more time.

I sigh,square my shoulders and throw a bright smile on my face.

"Mooooooom?" I call out cheerily walking through the hallway.

"I'm in here." she answers back from her bedroom.

I walk in and see my mom already in her silk bathrobe with her hair pulled up and her reading glasses on. Great, she's relaxed!

"So what you doing?" I ask crawling onto the edge of the bed.

"Relaxing sweety. Finally about to start reading this book i bought the last time i took you and Melissa to Barnes and Nobles. Is everything alright?" my mom asks taking off her reading glasses and looking at me.

"Everything's great." I say rolling onto my back and propping my hand behind my head. "I just was wondering if there was any way possible that i could stay home for my last summer? This is my last summer and i would really like to enjoy it like everyone else in my class for once." I blurt out.

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