Chapter 2

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Jeanette's P.O.V

When I finished the conversation with Boss I went to freshen up and straighten my dark brown hair then I put on my clothes (See Picture Above) and got my car keys of my Lamborghini. While I was driving I was thinking what was the meeting about since he says that the meeting are for emergencies but I wasn't that worry since I can control Boss easily.

Once I enter the headquarters all of my The Saints were staring at me, a smirk appeared on my face since more than half of them have already confessed their love to me. I made my way to my dads office and since I never knock I just flew open the door and say.

Me:"So what's this meeting about that you had to call me in the morning."

He just look at me with a cold glare and I did the same. After a few seconds he knew that I was winning so he started to speak.

Boss: "Johnny and you are going to Japan and bring Soryu Oh back to me."

Johnny and I:"What?"

For the first time I noticed Johnny's presence in the room. Johnny was one of my friends when I was a child. He is 3 years older than me and got in The Saints for his really amazing gun and fighting skills he's even the reason why I know the things I know right now. I think of him as my brother because he always protects me when I'm in danger. But I'm still cold with him as with all the people but he knows I love him.

Me:"Since when did you came back from your mission?" I ask while standing on the wall with my arms crossed.

Johnny:"Today, but then Boss called the way you look beautiful as always"

Me:"And you look ugly as usual."

Actually he looks good like in a handsome way. I look at Boss direction and tell him.

Me:"explain yourself with why are Johnny and I going to Japan" I say while looking at him dead in the eye.

Boss:"I already told you, you and Johnny will be going to Japan and bring Soryu Oh"

Me:"your talking about the men that kill my mother? aren't you" I say with a serious tone.

Johnny:"So his the one" he says in a soft voice.

Boss:"his information is in this file"

I walk up to his desk to pick up the file, I open it and begin to read it

Me:"Soryu Oh leader of The Ice Dragons......age 28......" after that I read the rest on my mind

Johnny:"let me see that" he say while reaching his arm to the file

I press the file into my chest and look at the boss.

Me:"if you want me to go to Japan and bring Soryu I will but I will go alone.....I don't need Johnny"

Johnny:"what are you talking about, are you crazy?"

I was still looking at my Boss so I said

Me:"is that or nothing"

After a moment of silence I went to the door and got stop by Boss voice.

Boss:"Jeanette you will go alone but if you fail to do your job I will be the one taking care of you"

Me:"Do you thing I'm stupid or what I already knew that" I say as I exit the door but then stop without turning around and said "you will need more than luck to take me down you know" and with that I left the room.

I got out of the HQ and went inside my Lamborghini. I had to stop in a red light when all of the sudden a car pulled next to me and told me to make a race with him. I look at him with my cold dark brown eyes and we settled with the one that loses will give the winner $30,000. Once the light turn green I knew he was going to be a piece of cake put that cheater try to hit my car to make me get out of the road but he missed.

Me:"what, can't handle a woman like me?"

Men:"you'll regret saying that sweetheart"

He still try cheating in so many ways and that made me really mad so I took my gun out and pointed it to his right front wheel to which then it exploded. I keep going to the route of my house since I really didn't need that money.

Once I'm in the house and settle in, I'm thinking about that Soryu guy and why did he kill my mother but then that disappeared when my phone rang.

Me: "what is it boss?"

Boss:"I forgot to tell you that you will be going to Japan tomorrow"

Me:"are you fucking serious right now you old men"

Boss:"yes you little bi..."

I hung up the phone before he could finish.

'nice now I need to start packing and look for an hotel to stay' I thought to myself.

After I finish packing I saw that it was 11:43 p.m. 'Right now I'm to tired to look for an hotel to stay at. I will just do that in my way to Japan in my private jet, right now I need to rest' I though to myself.

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