Chapter 41

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Jeanette's P.O.V

As Soryu felt to the floor I felt down with him. I stare at his white pale face that had his eyes close.

Me:"you idiot why did you did that?" I say as I pass my hands in his cheeks and hair

Johnny runs my way and pulls me up.

Johnny:"Jeanette we need to go"

Johnny push me with him and I look over his shoulders only to see one of the men's that Boss brought with him. He had a gun and he was the one that killed my Soryu. He points his gun in our direction but Johnny takes his gun out and aims it at the men. Johnny pulls me behind him and kills the men with one bullet.

I run to where Soryu was laying down and place his head in my lap. I started to cry as I lay my forehead with his.



Johnny:"Jeanette come on we need to leave"


The rest of the men come into the room and I lift my head up. I grab Soryu's gun from his chest pocket and I kill some of them and Johnny took care of the rest.

I stud up and walk up to Johnny. My legs wouldn't cooperate with me and I was feeling dizzy. Johnny caught me in time.

Johnny:"no, you can't be passing out right now"


Johnny:"Jeanette come on, this isn't you"


I pull apart from him and stand in my own.

Me:"you're right"

I look at Johnny in the eyes and say.

Me:"take Soryu to a car and wait for me in there."

Johnny:"where are you going?"

Me:"I'm going to look for Boss"

Johnny:"what if more men come?"

Me:"they are all death, and Boss is on his own, I can take him down"

Johnny:"ok but be safe"

Me:"contact some of our men and tell them to come"

Johnny:"on it"

Johnny gives me his blessings and we separate.

I begin to search for Boss but I can't find him anywhere. I go out from the back door and see a figure running into the forest. I begin to run after it and the closer I got I notice that it was Boss. He ran into the forest and stop when he saw a river. I take my gun out and aim it at his face.

Boss:"your pulling a gun on me?"

Me:"well I didn't had time to plan a bomb in this forest, so my gun will have to do"

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