Chapter Nine

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The slow song ended too quickly.

"Would you like to do the honors of telling Ryan what's in store for him?" I lifted my head up to look at Luke.

"I would love that."

Sammie and Ryan had moved apart. They both went back to their wheelchairs.

I shooed Luke away, telling him to go announce it to Ryan.

He turned the music off, and cleared his throat.

"Ryan?" Luke asked, trying to find him in the small crowd. He smiled when he saw him. "Will you come here? We have a surprise for you."

Ryan's mom pushed him to where Luke was standing and took a few steps back.

He reached to the table behind him and grabbed an envelope. He handed it to Ryan.

Ryan tore it open and took out the paper inside. He glanced up at Luke confused, then he understood. "A scavenger hunt?" He asked.

"Yes," Luke replied, a smile on his face.

All the clues were made into a riddle. I knew that Ryan would enjoy that because he was a smart boy, and he loved a good challenge.

As Luke made his way back over to where I was standing, I couldn't help but admire him. His cheeks were slightly tinged pink from blushing, eyes bright from joy. He looked breathtaking. He arrived at my side, flashed me a big smile and put his arm over my shoulder. We watched as Ryan told his mom where to take him to find the next clue.

Luke and I followed him around, loving to see the excitement on his face. He was about halfway done when I saw his mom bend down to talk to him. Worry flashed in her eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

I let go of Luke, and walked over to them. "What's wrong?" I bent down, looking at Ryan.

"He's getting tired. He won't admit it, but I know that he is."

He looked tired, "how about we go play some chess for a bit? Then you can finish the scavenger hunt. How does that sound?"

He looked down at his hands in his lap, "I guess," he paused and looked up at me, a smile growing on his face, "but I'm going to win, just like always!"

I felt a arm go around my waist and I leaned back into Luke's arms. "Let's go watch you get your butt whooped," he whispered in my ear making me giggle.

"Let's go," our fingers intertwined as we made our way back inside.

Ryan's dad, Sydney and Jacob, all joined us at the table where the game of chess was to be played. I glanced around the room and saw Rose dancing all over the place with Sammie. She was pushing her wheelchair wherever she wanted to go. It was the sweetest.

A few minutes later Ryan was grinning, "check," he told me as he moved his bishop.

I looked at my chess pieces, there was nothing I could do, every path was blocked except for one and that would put my king in even more danger. "You win, again Ryan," I told him laughing.

"Can I give it a try?" Luke asked. "I used to be quite the chess player, although I don't know how good I am now."

"Please do," Ryan said, "I would love an actual challenge."

"Hey," I laughed, and he just shrugged at me.

Luke was doing really well when about halfway through the game, Ryan's eyes started to droop, he was exhausted.

I looked at his mom and she stood up, leaning down beside him. "Do you want to go take a nap and then you can continue your scavenger hunt, or chess game, whichever you prefer?"

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