Chapter Twenty Five

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"Come on Ally," Rose told me, tugging on the arm that wasn't under my bed looking for my other boot. "Jacob should be here any minute!"

Rose was more excited than I was for this date. But that was because Jacob invited the both of us this afternoon, and Rose was ecstatic that she was invited as well.

"Finally," I mumbled when my fingers touched the soft suede of my ankle boot. I slipped it on, and zipped it up before grabbing my purse on the bed. "Let's go." I told Rose, and let her drag me into the living room.

"Do you have a jacket?" I asked Rose, giving her a glance. Jacob had told us to dress warm.

"Yes," she showed me the jacket that was next to her. "What do you think we're going to do?"

"I don't know, maybe he's going to take us skiing." Her eyes got big.

"Isn't skiing scary?"

"I'm not sure. I've never been, but it doesn't seem too scary as long as you go at your own pace, and go with someone who knows what they're doing."

The doorbell rang and Rose popped up from her seat and ran to the door.

"My Princess," Jacob picked her up and twirled her around causing her to squeal.

I stood against the doorframe, watching their interaction.

"And my other Princess," Jacob faced me, a smile on his face. He leaned forward to kiss me on the cheek.

"Do I get a kiss?" Rose asked, her lips in a pout.

Jacob and I shared a smile.

"Here," he leaned down and kissed her on the top of the head.

"Okay," she smiled up at us. "Let's go." Jacob grabbed my hand as we walked to his car. I sat in the front seat, and Rose in the back.

Rose talked almost the whole ride, she couldn't help but wonder where we were going.

We pulled up to a parking lot that I recognized.

"Rose, do you know where we are?" She unbuckled her seat belt and scooted up so she was between the two front seats.

Her eyes scanned our surroundings.

"A carnival? A fair? A zoo?" She began to list off reasonable answers.

"Look at that building." I pointed in front of us.


"Close," Jacob told her.

"Ice skating?"

We both nodded.

"I've always wanted to try! It looks like so much fun."

I glanced over at Jacob, and squeezed his hand. He always picked the best places for our dates.

"Let's go!" Rose opened her door, and skipped to the front door, turning back around to tell us to hurry up.

When we got inside, there was only one other couple on the ice rink. We got our correct shoe sizes, and sat down to change into them.

Jacob was done first, he used to ice skate a lot when he was younger. I stood up next, a little wobbly on my feet. Rose was up last with the help of both Jacob and I.

We made our way over to the rink, stumbling as we went.

"It's easy Ally," Jacob told me, stepping quickly to the rink. "It's just walking."

"On blades."

I started around the rink slowly with Jacob flying by me. I got the hang of it quickly, and sped up a bit. Rose was doing great. She was up with Jacob, skating beside him.

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