Chapter Two

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"Ally, you look so pretty, but why are you wearing all black?" Rose asked me, pulling on the bottom of my dress to get my attention. I was dressed in a black lace dress with quarter length sleeves and red ballet flats. My light brown hair was up in a tight bun and I was wearing minimal makeup even though I don't normally wear any. It was Monday, the day of Sarah and John's funeral.

"Because sweetie, it's your parents funeral today. You need to go get dressed too. I set out your outfit on my bed."

She stuck out her bottom lip at me, "I don't want to get dressed. My pajamas are comfy!"

"How about we get ice cream later tonight?" I bargained with her, knowing how much she loved her sweets.

"Really?" I nodded and she dashed back into my room to get dressed.

I had gone over to Sarah's house this weekend to get some essential clothing for Rose. I needed to go back and figure out what to do with everything, but I couldn't handle that yet.

A few minutes later, we were heading out the door. Rose was dressed in a simple, black dress and red ballet flats. I had set out her sneakers, but she wanted to match with me. We left her hair natural since it was already curly.

I was nervous, I had to say something about Sarah and I have never been good at talking in front of large groups of people. My freshman year I had to do a speech and I stuttered so badly that my teacher felt bad and let me leave before I was even halfway done with it. I haven't done a speech since then.

We walked into the church, Rose holding my hand. There were quite a few people talking and mingling with tears in their eyes. Sarah was well liked by pretty much everyone she met. Excluding John's parents, who never liked her or our family because we weren't rich and our parents left us. I noticed them across the room, talking with an older lady.

"Ally, there you are!" I heard Sydney's voice before I saw her.

"Thank you for coming. Rose, do you remember Sydney? One of my really good friends?"

Rose looked at Sydney for a few seconds before replying, "you let me help you make cookies!"

Sydney laughed, "yes, that's me. You both look wonderful. I love your dress Rose."

"Thank you!" Rose replied with a giggle, hiding halfway behind my legs. I picked her up as we began to walk through the crowd to our seats.

Once we were seated, I looked to my left to find John's parents, the Hamilton's, sitting in the first pew next to us. They were both looking at Rose and I with disdain written on their faces. Ignoring them, I started a conversation with a few people close to us about Sarah and some of the memories we had of her.

Thirty minutes later, I had finished my speech without stuttering and minimal tears shed. The ceremony was coming to a close. I stayed late thanking everyone who came. Soon, I was faced with the awkwardness of speaking to the Hamilton's.

"Hello Alyson." Mr. Hamilton addressed me.

"I'm glad you could make it. I'm sure John would have wanted you to come."

"Of course he would. We're his parents."

"You sure didn't act like it when he told you that he wanted to marry my sister," I argued. They got on my nerves, always saying how good of parents they were, when in reality they acted like John didn't exist whenever they could.

I looked over at Rose and Sydney, "Why don't you bring Rose outside and I'll be out there soon." She nodded, carrying Rose outside so she wouldn't have to hear this.

"How dare you accuse us of that! You've never been a parent." Steve's voice got louder and he gave me a glare.

"I've been forced to raise Rose now and in the week that I've had her, I bet I'm already doing a better job than you ever did. I work with kids everyday, I know what hurts them and what doesn't. Did you even know John's favorite color? Favorite food? Why he loved my sister?" I kept my voice even and calm.

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