Chapter Twenty One

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My breath hitched, and my heart rate sped up. Jacob's eyes were locked with mine, his gaze intense.

I didn't know what to say, my mind was racing. I couldn't wrap my head around what he just said.

My hands went up to his chest, and I grabbed a fistful of his shirt, closed my eyes. With one hard push, I shoved him away from me, and clenched my fists by my side again.

Hurt flashed through his eyes, and this time, he didn't hide it.

"You can't just come back, tell me you're in love, and expect me to forgive you for hurting me! I couldn't figure out what I did wrong. I thought it was something I said, something I did, to repulse you so badly. Now, you tell me it was all you!" I rambled on. The pain of the past few weeks made tears build up in my eyes.

I took a deep breath and my voice quieted down, "you hurt me Jacob." I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

Jacob lifted his hand to wipe it away, but I shook my head.

"I know Ally, and I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did what I did, but if you let me, I won't do it again. It may take me some time, I haven't been in a relationship in a few years, but I want to try again. With you." His blue eyes found mine, and he stared deep into them.

He took a step closer, our gaze magnetic.

I was backed up into the wall again, and this time, I let him. His gaze grew more intense, the closer we became.

"Ally," his gaze flickered down to my lips.

I closed my eyes for a brief moment, before opening them again and looking straight into his.

"Yes," I murmured, the butterflies in my stomach doing flips.

He leaned closer, and we both closed our eyes, our breath already becoming quicker. I wrapped a hand around his neck, and played with the hair on the nape of his neck.

His lips parted.

His hands rested on my hips, mine in his hair.

Finally, our lips connected.

His lips were warm against mine.

Our lips began to move against each other. I felt a sigh leave my lips. I had been wanting to do this for too long.

His hands moved from my hips, to my face, pulling my closer.

A few seconds later, we were breathing hard, foreheads resting against each other. There were grins on both of our faces.

"I've been wanting to do that for so long," Jacob mumbled.

Before I could reply, our lips were connected. And we were kissing, once again.

When we pulled apart, our eyes still closed, Jacob spoke up. "Does that mean you feel the same way about me?"

"Yes Jacob. Yes." I kissed him on the cheek once before pulling away completely and resting my head on the wall behind me. I couldn't keep the smile off my lips.

"I'm in love with you Jacob."


The next morning, before I even got my whole foot in the doorway of the day care, Sydney was in front of me.

"What happened last night?" Her voice was high, she was excited.

"Your stupid brother confessed that he's in love with me. After all that hurt." I bit my cheek, I tried to hide the smile that overtook my face, but I couldn't.

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