Chapter Twenty

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"He left."

"What?" I exclaimed. I began to pace around my living room.

"He went to visit our parents. I don't know how long he'll be gone. All he did was call me when he was at the airport to tell me why I wouldn't see him around for a few days." Sydney told me.

Jacob left. "Oh," I whispered, "I didn't know he wanted to get away from me that badly."

I sat down on the couch, and crossed one leg over the other. I covered my face with my hand.

"You don't know that's why he left. He could have just wanted to see mom and dad." Sydney was trying her best to make me feel better, but it sure wasn't helping.

"Come on," I scoffed. "You know that's not what it is. He hasn't been talking to me. Ever since Rose was in the hospital. I must have said something to him..." I trailed off, thinking back over everything that I had said to him that day. "I don't know what I said..."

Our conversation continued for a few more minutes with her trying to comfort me. Finally, I hung up and Rose came up to me.

"Are you okay? You didn't sound happy on the phone." She was looking up at me with her big blue eyes, and it warmed my heart.

I nodded. "I'm okay," I'm not okay.

"Sydney was just calling me to tell me that Jacob went to visit their parents for a few days."

"Oh, well go get packed. You're going with him aren't you?" Rose tried to push me into my room.

"No sweetie, I'm not going with him." I cleared my throat, hoping I could stop the tears from coming.

"Why not?" Her eyebrows were scrunched together. She looked genuinely confused.

"I have work," I replied. He doesn't want me. "Speaking of work, we both have places to be. I need to get you to school. Are you ready?"

"Yes, but I still think you should go with him." She crossed her arms, but turned around and went into her room to grab her backpack.

I wiped underneath my eyes, hoping it didn't look like I was holding the tears back.

The whole drive to school, Rose kept talking about Jacob. I tried my hardest to be involved in the conversation, but there was only so much I could do before I got emotional over it.

I dropped her off at school and headed to the grocery store. I had been slacking these past few weeks, so our cupboards were pretty empty.

After putting some apples in a bag, when I was walking back to my cart, I heard my name.

"Ally?" I recognized the voice.

I spun around to face him. Luke. I gave him a small smile. Of course, today of all days is the day that I see him.

"How have you been?"

"You mean after you broke my heart with no warning?" I questioned.

He looked at the ground and opened his mouth. "I've been good." I interrupted him. "Although, Rose just got back from the hospital a week or two ago." He had a basket in his hands, so he followed next to me as I continued my shopping. I told him what happened with Rose. He promised he'd come visit her soon.

"How's Lucy?" I asked.

"She's good." He paused, looking at the ground once more. Then back up, into my eyes. "We're good."

I expected that to sting, but instead I was happy for him.

"Good for you." He gave me a look, "I mean it. You seem much happier with her."

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