Chapter Nineteen

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"When is this movie going to start?" I heard a kid ask his mother a few rows in front of us.

Sydney, Rose and I were at the movies, Rose's choice. We wanted to cheer her up after all she had been through the past couple days.

The mom leaned down to answer her little boy.

Rose grabbed my arm, not her too. "Why isn't Jac-"

"It should be starting soon," I answered her without listening to her question. I had been doing that a lot recently, Jacob was still ignoring me, and it was really bothering me.

I didn't know why it bothered me so much, but I couldn't seem to get him off my mind.

"The movie?" Rose asked.

"Of course. Look," I motioned to the lights, "they just got dimmer."

"That's not what I was asking," she pouted.

"I'm sorry Princess, I didn't listen well, did I?"

She shook her head. "I was going to ask why Jacob isn't with us? I miss him, he's fun to be around."

I felt my throat close up, and I could barely breathe.

I shot a quick glance over at Sydney. She was paying attention.

"He's been busy with work lately, he misses you though. Hopefully he'll get some free time soon and you guys can go out and do something." Sydney looked at me when she was finished talking to Rose.

I didn't know what to say, but I didn't believe any of that. He couldn't have been too busy with work, I know that he had some time off after his trial.

I sat up in my seat as the movie started and convinced myself that I would pay attention, but when the movie was over, and Rose asked me how I enjoyed it, I had to lie and say it was great. I don't think that I could even recite one line from the whole movie.

My mind was reeling over Jacob. I couldn't help but think over all our previous encounters, and wonder if I did something, or said something to upset him.

"Come on Rose," I heard Sydney say.

I shook my head, trying to pull myself out of my thoughts.

I followed them out of the theater, and trailed behind. Rose was telling Sydney about her favorite parts of the movie. But Sydney kept looking back at me, curious as to why I was so spacey.

"I made you a chocolate cake back at my place," Sydney told Rose once we were in her car, on the way back to her house.

I looked in the backseat to find Rose bounce up and down in her seat. "Yay, I can't wait to try it! Ally, doesn't she make the best cake ever?"

I nodded, "mhmm. Of course she does." My nonchalant reply fooled Rose, but not Sydney. She gave me a look, I knew she would force me to tell her what was going on, but even I didn't know what was going on with my emotions.

We began our walk up to Sydney's door, and I couldn't help but look around for Jacob.

He wouldn't want to see me anyways. He was the one who should be contacting me, not the other way around.

"Cake, cake, cake!" Rose chanted as soon as we were inside the door. I gave her a small smile when she dragged me by my arm into the kitchen where the chocolate covered cake was sitting on the counter.

Sydney uncovered the cake, and began to cut it.

Rose was doing great, she was back to normal. Her incision only hurt occasionally when she did something extra active, and that was only because she was such an active child.

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