Chapter Fifteen

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I had been up for hours by the time Rose got up and out of bed. Today was the day that Luke was coming back. It had been almost a month since Luke left, and he was supposed to be coming into the airport today, and I would be picking both him and his friend from high school, Lucy.

I had to leave in just a few minutes to be at the airport in time. Although, like always, the flight would probably be delayed.

"Rose, are you ready?" I asked from my bedroom floor where I was currently sitting, looking for my dropped earring.

"I'm ready," she popped her head in the side of the door, and I smiled at her.

"One second, want to help me look?" I started to ask, as she bent down and picked something up.

"This?" she asked, handing me my earring.

"Yes, thank you Princess." I put on the earring. "Let's go." I headed out the door, with Rose by my side. I was excited to see Luke, but also a bit nervous because of Lucy.

We pulled up into the airport parking lot a few minutes later. His flight wasn't due to arrive for about 30 more minutes, so Rose and I just wandered around the airport. Rose loved the gift shop, and we ended up spending the time until his flight looking at the different keychains, jewelry, books and trinkets.

I grabbed her hand when I heard that his flight had come in. We went and stood next to the departures.

A few minutes later, people started to come through the doors, and I scanned the crowds for Luke and this Lucy. Rose pulled on my sleeve, "isn't that Luke?"

Sure enough, there he was walking towards us with a gorgeous redhaired woman by his side. He had a smile on his face, and was looking down at her admiringly. I almost turned around and walked out the door to wait outside for him because he didn't even seem like he was looking for me.

Rose and I watched as they made their way towards us. It wasn't until they were basically about to run into us that Luke looked up, and straight into my eyes.

"Ally." I gave him a small smile, and I hoped that he couldn't tell how fake it was. "This wonderful lady is Lucy." He told me, looking at her.

"Nice to meet you," I told her with a smile, and held out my hand.

She scoffed, "you too," but she didn't even bother to shake my hand before she wrapped her arm around Luke's and dragged him towards the luggage pickup. I glanced down and Rose, he hadn't even bothered to say hi to her.

"I'll wait outside for you guys," I yelled after them, not sure if they heard.

Rose and I went outside and found a bench to sit on. People were mingling everywhere, but I couldn't help my mind wandering toward Luke. How could someone's attitude change toward their own girlfriend so quickly. I guess that it had been almost a month.

"So, are we doing anything fun today?" Rose asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I'm not sure." I was planning on doing something with Luke, but I didn't think that would be necessary as he would probably want to help Lucy get used to his house.

Fifteen minutes later, Luke and Lucy found us waiting for them outside. The first thing that Luke said was, "where did you park?" I showed them where my car was, and they piled their luggage in the back.

"Am I taking you both home?" I asked, interrupting them.

"Yes please." Luke told me, smiling. The first smile that was directed at me all morning.

We pulled up to his house twenty minutes later. I got out of the car, and helped them carry the luggage up to the door. Before Luke could walk away from me, I grabbed his arm. "Can we talk?"

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