Chapter Thirteen

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"His mom has terminal cancer, the doctor told him that she is only expected to make it another week or two." I was sitting at the table at the daycare with Sydney and Jacob. The kids had all left and Rose was in the next room.

"Poor Luke," Sydney mumbled. My eyes were pooling with tears and I had to look down at the table, concentrate on not letting them fall.

"Cancer is terrifying, it just strips everything away from you, including loved ones," Jacob butted it, he was staring straight at me. I glanced at Sydney, a bit curious: had he known someone with cancer? She gave me a small little nod, telling me that he had.

"On a happier note, you stayed the night then?" Sydney asked me.

I rolled my eyes, but a small smile was present on my lips. "Yes, nothing happened though. He just needed someone, even if he wouldn't admit it. It's tough going through something like that with no one by your side."

"Sure," Sydney trailed off sarcastically. Jacob stood up abruptly and walked into the room where Rose was.

"Did I say something?" I asked.

"I think he's just a little on edge," she replied. "I think we all are. You know what we should do? My friend owns a beach house, all four of us should go spend the weekend there to relax. We need it."

I hesitated, it sounded like a great idea, "four?" I asked curious, I could only think of three, unless she was counting Jacob, "Jacob?" I voiced my thoughts.

"Of course, who else?"

"Do you think he really wants to spend a weekend with me? We both know he doesn't like me."

"That's what you think," she told me, and before I could reply, Jacob and Rose made their way back into the room. "What do you guys think? We're going to a beach house this weekend."

"I'm busy," Jacob replied quickly.

It looked like him and Sydney were having a conversation without speaking. Finally, Jacob gave in, "I guess I can make time this weekend."

"Let's get everyone home right now to pack, and we'll meet at my house tomorrow morning." Sydney gave me a quick hug, waved goodbye and they were out the door.

"We're going to the beach?" Rose asked, excited.

"Yes, why don't we go home and pack since we're going to be there for the whole weekend." We got into my car and made our way back to the house.

"Are there going to be starfishes?" She struggled with pronouncing the word, and I couldn't help but laugh.

She continued to ask me if their would be different kinds of fish and wildlife until we arrived back at the house.


The next morning I grabbed Rose and I's small bags to throw in the trunk of my car. We stopped by a bakery on the way to Sydney's house to get breakfast. Usually I would make us breakfast, but I figured we deserved a treat once in awhile.

We pulled into the driveway at Sydney's house, and saw that they were both outside putting their bags into the trunk of Sydney's car. It looked like they were arguing, but as soon as I pulled up, they stopped and Jacob walked back into the house, not even glancing my way.

I took a deep breath, it was going to be one heck of a weekend if he ignored me like that for three days.

We piled into the car, and I sat in the back with Rose. Glancing at my phone, I noticed that the home screen was still blank. Luke hadn't contacted me since he landed and sent me a text to let me know that he had landed safety. I wanted to call him to see how his mom was, and how he was holding up, but I knew that I shouldn't. If he hadn't contacted me yet, he probably wasn't in the mood to talk.

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