Chapter Ten

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A few days after I visited the house with Rose, and put an offer out, I got a call from Ruth.

"The house is yours if you still want it."

A smile grew on my face, "yes." It was a bit out of my price range, but I told myself that it was alright to be reaching into the money that my mother gave both my sister and I. I knew that I would need to use it at some point, I just never wanted to admit it.

She told me when I would be able to move in, then we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I walked back into the room to tell Sydney. Elizabeth, one of our daycare kids, was on her back.

Her arms were spread out, "I'm flying Ally!" she exclaimed when she saw me. Before I knew it, the other three kids were all trying to climb on my back because they wanted to fly too. I smiled at them and began to run around the room with them on my back, one-by-one.

Elizabeth's mom walked in while she was on my back. "Mommy! I learned how to fly today," she ran over to her, throwing her arms as high as they could reach, which was around her mom's waist.

"That's great sweetie. How about you teach me when we get home?" She smiled at us, said "thank you" and headed out.

"What was that call about?" Sydney glanced over at me.

"Ruth. The house is mine!" I sat down at one of the chairs and started to color with the kids.

"When do you get to move in?"

"Next week if I want." I already put in my thirty day notice to my apartment complex to let them know when I would be out. "We'll have to have a moving party, I'll need as much help as I can with boxes."

"Jacob has a bunch that he hasn't recycled since he just moved in recently. Why don't you stop by on your way home? I'll text him and let him know that you're coming."

"You know he hates me."

"He doesn't. He just has a hard time showing his emotions." I shook my head, I didn't believe her, but then I thought back to when we visited the house together. He was such a joy to be around, we were laughing and talking like old friends. If only we could always be that way.

As soon as the kids were gone, I headed out to my car, but as soon as I started it, I heard my phone ring. I wasn't expecting anyone.

It was an unknown caller ID.


"Ally?" A voice I recognized answered. "This is Ryan's mom." My heart began to beat faster, and my breathing became heavier.

"What's happening? Why are you calling me?"

"He's not..." her voice hitched, she paused, "he's not doing well. You should come to the hospital."

All I could manage to squeak out was an, "okay."

The dam broke and the tears started falling freely. My head fell down on the steering wheel, and my shoulders shook. I picked myself up, I needed to head to the hospital.

I saw Sydney make her way over to me, probably wondering why I hadn't left yet.

I got out of the car, "why are you crying? What happened?"

Shock took over her face, "It's Ryan." I didn't need to say anymore, she knew what I meant.

"I'll pick up Rose, she can stay the night with me. She's at a playdate, right?" I nodded. "I'll call Luke now and tell him to come pick you up. You can't be driving in this condition." I smiled at her through my tears.

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