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6 years after the proposal

"Come on Ally. We're going to be late." Jacob's voice echoed throughout the house.

I tried telling Jett one more time to put on this shirt. "Please," I mumbled. "It's your favorite shirt."

His little arms were crossed over his bare chest, a frown on his face.

After realizing that we couldn't leave just yet, I heard Jacob make his way into the bedroom. He leaned down next to Jett, "what's the problem?"

Jacob's eyes travelled to my own, and I gave him a smile smile, thanking him for the help.

Five minutes later, we were buckled up, on our way to the ice rink.

"Mommy, where are we going?" Jett mumbled from the backseat. I leaned around to look at him.

"Rose's ice skating competition," he gave me a pouty face, "don't you want to go see your sister skate?"

"I guess," he turned to look out the window.

Jacob reached over to grab my hand, our eyes met, "it's going to be okay," he mouthed.

He was referring to Jett, these past few months had been really tough, he was constantly upset, and I didn't know what to do.

We parked, and soon both Jett and Jacob were out of the car. I waited for Jacob to make his way over to my side of the car. He reached up, and took my hand.

Ever since I told him the news, he hadn't allowed me to do anything by myself, scared that I would end up injuring myself.

We made our way inside the rink, and sat down at one of the bleachers. My eyes scanned the rink for Rose, but I didn't see her.

Jett said he saw one of his friends on the other side of the rink, after I confirmed it was, I told him he could go join.

I laid my head on Jacob's shoulder, letting out a sigh. I felt his hot breath on my temple, and he laid a light kiss to the top of my head.

I felt a strong kick, and my hands flew to my stomach. Jacob's eyes grew wide, "are you okay?"

"Yes," I chuckled, "just a kick."

Another kick. This time, I could see the footprint on my stomach.

"Look at how tiny it is," Jacob mumbled, a hand on my stomach.

Before I could say anything else, Lauren came into view, a huge grin on her face. "How are they doing?"

I gave a small laugh, "they're good, getting excited, they have been doing a lot of kicking the past few weeks." Even though this wasn't her first grandchild, she was just as excited as she was when we found out I was pregnant with Jett.

"When's the due date?"

"Early next week."

A huge grin grew on her face, "I can't wait, we're going to be grandparents of twins." She grabbed onto Trever's hand, and shot him a smile. "Are you all packed? Is there a car seat in your car already?" She continued to ramble on, asking me questions.

The announcer came on, and Trever tugged on her hand, sitting them down next to Jacob.

Skaters came out one by one, and as soon as we saw Rose, we all started to cheer.

Rose was the third skater to go. The song Stay by Rihanna came on, and I heard a few cheers for the song choice.

All along it was a fever

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