Chapter Sixteen

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We took everything out of our pockets and I handed over my purse. Rose was fascinated by the metal detector.

Once we walked through the gates, we made our way into the room where the trial was being held. It was pretty empty because Rose and I decided to show up early.

"Where's Jacob?" Rose asked me as soon as we found a seat.

"I'm not sure Princess. He is probably talking to his client and preparing for as much as he can." Even though I knew he wasn't in here, I found myself looking at every person that walked in the room, wondering if it was Jacob.

A few minutes later, the courtroom was full, and we were told to stand for the judge.

"Why is he wearing a bathrobe?" Rose asked me referring to the judge who had just walked in.

I shook my head, and smiled down at her. Once we sat down, I explained to her that is wasn't a bathrobe. The attorneys and clients walked in, and I saw Jacob look around the audience, so I raised a hand to show him where we were. He gave me a small smile before he sat down and started organizing his files and paperwork.

The judge started to explain what the case was about, and I saw Jacob and his client whispering to each other.

After the opening statements, they began to question the witnesses, and at one point Jacob yelled out, "objection Your Honor," and it didn't help my confusion.

Rose enjoyed watching Jacob in this type of environment, and so did I. He acted so differently, so much more open. He was talking up a storm, and he sounded, and looked completely confident. He never wavered, and I admired him for it.

There was a lull as the lawyers were able to talk to their clients, and my mind wandered back to Luke. I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes, and I shut them tight, trying to stop the tears.

I always thought that I would do much better getting over heartbreaks than I did, but I always had such a hard time. Last time, I stopped interacting with my friends, and family. But, this time, my friends were much more supportive, and they were ready and willing to help. Well, with Sydney, it was more like I had no choice. She was going to make me socialize.

The questioning continued, and I looked over at Rose. "How are you enjoying this?" She looked completely enthralled, and barely noticed that I said anything to her. Maybe a future lawyer in the mix?

She nodded at me, "this is great. I love watching them go back and forth." Her head was following every movement, and I couldn't help the smile that overtook my face. I hadn't done much smiling since the breakup with Luke, and it instantly made me feel better.

Almost an hour later, the lawyers said their closing statements, and the trial came to a close.

A decision was being made.

Jacob turned around and I saw his searching eyes connect with mine. I gave him a smile, and Rose waved ecstatically at him. He gave her a small wave back. I could see the nerves on his face, he was nervous about the verdict, and I didn't blame him. I would be nervous as well, especially since he has only ever had a few other trials.

"Has the jury reached an unanimous verdict?" A spokesperson for the jury stood up and faced the judge, handing him a piece of paper. He read it silently, and handed it back.

"The jury finds the defendant not guilty."

I looked at Rose and gave her a big smile, "Jacob won the case!"

"Yay, I knew he could do it!" Rose and I watched Jacob, his face still pretty much expressionless. That was something that he could do well, I guess they weren't supposed to celebrate the verdict until they were out of the courtroom.

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