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I saw her smile.
I saw her laugh with her friends.
I saw her look down.
I kept my eye on her.
My one true love.
I hope other guys know that, even though Im not dating her,
She's mine.

I was at my locker staring at her, putting books into her own locker. She looked so...


I wonder how happier she will be if she was really mine. But the problem is, she has a boyfriend.

Some guy named Nate (Garner). He's a total perv! He knows he's dating Christina but he doesnt care at all. He looks at other girls, takes pictures of girls and who else knows what he does.

I dont know why were even friends.

Speaking about him, he starts walking towards Christina. He puts a hand over her waist and I roll my eyes and go back to my locker.

As I look back, I see Nate whispering something in her ear. I watch as Christina's smile fades away into a scared-panic face.

I wonder what he told her...

Nate then walks away from Christina and she is left there, looking at the ground, seeming like she is about to cry. Thats when I get confidence.

I shut my locker and start walking up to her.

"Hey..." I say. She heard me, but decides not to look at me.

"A-are you okay?" I ask stuttering.

Christina then looks up at me.

Gosh daym those beautiful gorgeous green eyes...

"Yeah, its just... Its nothing" she says with a sweet smile.

"Are you sure because it looked like-"

"I SAID IM FINE GOSH!" She yells at me and shuts her locker fearcefully.

She then starts to walk out the school.

Its only second period though...

I then start following her out the school doors.

She walks along the sidewalk as Im following her from behind. Every time she turns to the side I go behind a tree or a bush or something.

She then stopped at her tracks.

I hid behind a tree quickly.

I saw as she turned around, she was crying.

My kindness and confidence through me over the edge. I got out of behind the tree and went up to her.

"Wow... You have been following me the whole time" she said crossing her arms across her chest.

"Well, I knew you were upset so... I wanted to help you" I told her.

"But I'm fine-"

"Your not fine Christina. Something happend. Something that turned your happy mood off. Tell me what happend so I can help-"

"I dont want any help Grayson!" She yelled.

She said my name...

There was a long pause of silence between us.

"It was Nate wasn't it" she looked guilty.

"What did he do to you" I asked.

"I barely know you. Why would I tell you" she asked.

"I like you okay. I basically know so many things about you" I said.

I cant believe myself right now.

She thought for a moment.

"Favorite color?"


"My favorite show?"

"The vampire diaries"

"Favorite subject?"


"What sport do I play?"

"Soccer" I said, answering all of her questions.

She sighed.

"Okay... Me and Nate are... Friends with benefits"

Oh gosh...

"And I told him I was pregnant and today, when I was at my locker... He broke up with me because he doesnt want a child." Tears started to stream down her cheeks.

I pulled her in for a hug.

I then thought of a wonderful plan.

"How about..." I started, rubbing circles on her back.

"I be the father to your child?"

Hello my fellow hoes... Miss me??
Well I want to tell you all something...

Im back bitches 😈
and this is a new book.
So like always, enjoy :)

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