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"Hey baby I'll be right back okay" Grayson says as he grabs his keys to exit our house.
Yes we bought a house. Grayson's sister, Cameron, helped us find it. We have whatever the baby needs because of her.
Grayson has been leaving the house so many times. I honestly don't know why.
"Okay don't come home late!" I yelled at him.
"I won't" he said.
I walked towards me and Gray's room. Once I walked in, I got a pain in my stomach but ignored it.
I turned the tv on and started watching the vampire diaries.
(that show is literally bomb)
The pain in my stomach started getting worse. Yet I still ignored it.
30 minutes into the show I felt something running down my legs. The pain in my stomach just got terrible. So terrible that I started screaming in pain.
I got up from the bed and noticed my water broke.
"shit shit shit" I mumbled as I walked towards my phone.
I hurried and called Grayson.
"Hey it's Gray. I can't come to the phone right now cause I'm probably doing stupid shit or fucking my girlfriend. Pease leave a message-"
I ended the call and started calling Ethan.
"Christina? What wrong?"
"Ethan my water broke! AHHHH!! Grayson isn't home please come over and take me to the hospital!!"
"I'm already here!"
I end the call and carefully walk down the stairs.
I go outside to see Ethan getting out of his car and running over to me.
"Fuck it hurts!!" I scream in pain.
Ethan helps me get into the passenger seat.
Ethan steps on the peddle and were zooming off to the hospital.
"AGGGHHHHH!!!!" I yell. This hurts like a fucking bitch.
"Don't worry we're almost here" Ethan says.
He then parks right in front of the hospital.
We then see doctors and nurses come out with a wheeling chair.
They set me on the wheeling chair and take me to a room.
Grayson's POV
"Cmon Gray, she won't know" my ex, Chloe, says as she is trying to take off my shirt.
"Stop I honestly had enough hiding this from Christina. The thing is, I'm only fucking you every night because you blackmailed me!" I say as I push her off.
Right now we're in her house.
"Please?... Just one more time" She says biting her lip and grabbing my crotch.
I push her harshly.
"STOP!" I yell.
I then run out the bathroom and run to the car getting in quickly.
I check my phone.
Missed call from Queen💘
Ethan then starts calling me.
"What?" I say stressed out.
"I told Christina about you and Chloe seeing each other. And come to the hospital. You just missed something amazing Grayson" Ethan says then hangs up.
I quickly drive to the hospital.
Christina's POV
I had my two little girls in my arms. Apparently I had twins.
This is amazing. I love them so much and I will protect them with all my life. The thing is, why wasn't Grayson here?
Why wasn't he by my side?
Why wasn't I holding his hand instead of Ethan's?
Where was that one person who was suppose to tell me everything will be okay?
That person was busy fucking his ex. My heart literally hurts.
Next thing you know, Grayson runs into the room.
He gasps once he sees me and the little girls.
"Can I hold them?" He asks.
I nod my head yes.
He takes the girls out of my arms and holds them. I see a tear slip out his eye.
Little did he know what was about to come.
"Grayson..." I say. His attention comes to me.
"Yes babe?" Grayson says.
"I think I want to live with my own children" I say.
"W-what do you mean?" He asks.
"I don't want to be with you anymore" I say.
"Ohh... I'm sorry, d-did I do something wrong?" Gray says.
"have you not noticed?!" I yelled at him. Making him flinch.
"I'm sorry for not being good enough for you Christina. I know what I did was wrong but you don't understand-"
"Please just leave" I tell him.
"Ok" Grayson says.
Grayson looks down at my little girls in his arms. He starts crying.
"I'm sorry I failed you little ones" Grayson said. "Whoever new dad you get, I hope he doesn't fuck up like I did. I'm so sorry" Grayson pulls them closer to him and cries harder. "I love you guys. Always know your mine" Grayson said.
"Goodbye Christina. I love you" Grayson says. He comes up to me and kisses my lips.
Graysons POV
I exit the hospital. Tears are coming from my eyes. I just lost the most important things to me. Why?.... Why did I screw up again?...
This made me cry😪 I'm sorry guys but next chapter will be the last one and if you want an epilogue... Ima give it to you so you better take it, choke on it and swallow- ok ok I'll stop.

Your main hoe

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