19 & 20

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Chapter 19

"You and Christina are cousins" my dad tells me.

My heart literally shatters to peices.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me" me and Ethan say in a sync.

My face is literally blank.

I kissed and had sex with my own damn cousin.

Are you serious??

I run out the front door. I start chasing after Christina.

Once I see her, I run towards her at full speed.

As I get to her she turns around.

"Hey what are you-"

"Did you know we were cousins?" I ask, cutting her off.

Christina's face goes blank like mine did when I found out.

"W-we are?" She asks.

"Apparently" I tell her.

We just look at each other. I can't stop loving her. Even if we are family...

"What are we gonna do? I mean we love each other and-" I then get cut off.

"Grayson, look. Since we're family, we can't be together." Christina tells me. Tears start swelling up in my eyes.

"But Christina I-"

"I know you love me and I love you too but we can't be together. But Grayson" Christina says, reaching to grab my hands.

"I promise you. I promise that you will find a true love and you both will live a happy future together. Don't be jealous if I'm married to someone in the future because your gonna be married with someone too." Christina tells me.

I nod my head yes. I have to accept this. I have to accept the fact that I can't date her. That She can't be mine.

Fuck I loved her so much.

"Okay" I said stuttering. I hugged Christina.

"Family?" Christina asks.


Chapter 20

Christina's POV
I walked back home after talking with Grayson. How the fuck are we cousins?

I entered my house and set my home key on the table along with the food I have.

I then get the feeling of throwing up so I run to the toilet.

I run to my bathroom and puke into the toilet. This has been going on since this morning and I don't like it.

My eyes grow wide.

The thought of being pregnant... Again...

"no no no no" I mumble as I'm looking through my moms room. I look into her closet that she shares with my dad and find so many sex toys but that doesn't matter right now.

I find a bag of pregnancy tests and I take five.

I go back to my bathroom and pee in every one of them then wait.

I'm now sitting in my bed crying and crying, I don't want another kid.

And I know Grayson doesn't either...

I then grabb my phone and call Grayson.

"Hello?" He says through the phone.

"Grayson please come over I need you right now" I say with a shaky voice.

"I'm on my way." Grayson says then hangs up.

I hear knocks at the door.

That must be him.

I run towards the door and open it, finding Grayson there sweating and panting.

I hugged him tightly and started crying.

Grayson was confused but hugged back, rubbing his hands up and down my back trying to calm me down.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asks softly.

"I-I might be pregnant" I tell him crying.

"Why are you crying? This is good!" Grayson tells me.

"Your old enough. I mean your at the right age. This little boy or girl will be happy to have a mother like you. One who is nice, kind, amazing... Sexy" Grayson says. I laugh at the last comment.

"If you are pregnant, it's gonna go well, trust me" Grayson gives me a reassuring smile. I smile back.

We stare at each other for a long time. We then start glancing at each other's lips.

"Fuck it" I hear him mumble, next thing you know our lips are together.

We kiss for a long time, only that the timer on my phone goes off.

"Oh the tests are ready" I say shaking.

"Relax okay" Grayson tells me.

We head upstairs to my room. I walk into my bathroom and pick up one test.

I take a deep breath before looking at it.


The word that I always see on tests like this.

I grab the other five and check them. They all say positive.

"What do they say?" Grayson asks from the bathroom door.

My teeth are clenched and tears are coming from my eyes. I'm squeezing all of the pregnancy tests.

"Hey are you oka-"

I throw all the tests on the floor. Screaming, I look for my blade that is behind a painting I drew. I ripped off the canvas and grabbed the blade.

"CHRISTINA NO!!" I hear Grayson say. Next thing you know the blade is snatched out of my hand as I was about to slice my wrist.

"GIVE IT BACK GRAYSON!!!" I yell at him as loud as I can.

"NO." He says sternly and flushes it down the toilet.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" I yell as I try to get back out the toilet but Grayson pulls me back.

I then give up and fall to the floor, Grayson catching me.

I lay on his chest and he lays against the wall. I can't be pregnant. And why is he calm about this? Does he not know its his child?

"Wait the baby is mine?!" Grayson says.

Shit I think I said that to loud.

"Yeah you did!" Grayson says.

"Oh well... Yeah it's your child but I understand if you wanna leave me because your not ready-"

"OF COARSE I AM!!" Grayson says with a giant grin.

"Wait what?... Gray were cousins remember" I tell him.

"I don't care!! It's my child! I... I have to take care of it. I'm its dad, there is no going back now" he tells me.

I smile at him not wanting to leave me. But my smile faded away when I realized something.

"How are we going to tell our parents?"


From your main hoe

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