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I gave her the plate of pancakes and bacon.

"Thank you" she says with a fake smile.

My parents went on a business trip, Cameron is in college, and Ethan slept over at Aarons house.

I sit next to her and start eating. We eat in a comfortable silence.

When I finish eating I look over to her plate and see she hasn't eaten anything at all. Christina was only staring at the wall.

"Hey eat something" I nicely say.

She flinches and looks at me then back at her food.

"I-I... I dont want to" Christina says nodding her head.

"You need to eat. I dont want you getting sick" I tell her, standing up and putting my dishes in the sink.

Christina picks up the fork and I see her hand shaking.

I go over to her and put the fork in my hand. She just stares at me.

I cut a piece of pancake.

"Open up" I say.

Christina opens her mouth slowly. I gently stick the small piece of pancake in her mouth.

I reapeat the action more times until she is done with her breakfast.

"Do you want your bacon?" I ask. She nods her head no.

I see her hair is greasy since she was in the hospital for two days and haven't showered.

"Do you want to go shower?" I asked as I carried her back to my room.

"I cant move" Christina says as she looks straight ahead.

"If you want I can shower you" I say.

She looks at me.

"I mean if you want me to" I tell her.



Christina now sits in the bath tub with bubbles and soap around her.

I see that she smiles as she moves her arms lightly under the water, seeing all the bubbles move around while she does the swaying movement with her hands.

"Do you like it?" I ask, putting shampoo in my hands then scrubbing it on her hair.

"Yeah my mom would always give me baths when I was little" Christina said.

Out of nowhere, Christina slaps me with her hand full of bubbly soap.

I flinch back and fall off the tiny stool I was on. I then hear Christina laughing.

I wipe off the soap from my eyes and look at her and laugh.

"Why did you do that?" I ask laughing more and wiping more soap off my face.

"Haha Im sorry I had to" Christina says.

I wish it could be like this forever.

"Me too" I hear Christina say.

"W-what?" I ask confused, thinking if she read my mind or if I said it out loud.

"What you said, wishing it could be like this forever? I wish the same thing. I want to be with you Grayson. I always did. I..." She stopped.

I suddenly got nervous.

"I love you" she said.

My jaw fell to the floor.

"Hold on for a minute" I say, getting out of the bathroom and shutting the door.

"AHDJNEKDJDJD FUCK YESS!!" I yell as I run around the house, hearing Christina laughing out loud from the bathroom.

"FUCK YES! FUCK YES!! BOOM BITCHES!!!" I yell out loud.

I take off my shirt and pants as I run back to the bathroom, leaving my boxers on.

I open the door and jump into the bath tub making Christina scream in laughter.

Christina now lays her back against my chest as were both in the tub. I have my arms around her waist while her head is on the crook of my neck.

"I love you" I whisper kissing her cheek.

"I love you more"


And I love you guys :)))))

Gotta Blast 💘🔥
Sorry for not updating
I was working on a Sequal :))

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