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Christina's POV

I walked up the stairs and into Graysons room. I saw him sleeping on the bed. Looking so... Peaceful.

I walk inside the room and shut the door quietly do he doesnt wake up.

I then start looking around the room. I see pictures of him and Ethan when they were younger and other pictures of him in football and stuff.

In fact, he had a shelf that had trophies and medals for winning games of football.

I saw there was another door in the corner of his room.

I walked towards the door and opened it quietly.

I saw clothes in the closet and a bin where it had dirty clothes. But then something caught my eye.

I start moving his hanging shirt from the racks away so I can get a better look of the very tiny door in the back of his closet.

When I can finally see the tiny door, I pull on the latch and the door opens.


Inside the tiny door was at least 700 dollars and weed. But there was also a piece of paper. I grabbed the paper and put it in my pocket then shut the mini door and then I shut the closet.


I flinched and turned around to see a wide awake Grayson.

I couldn't get any words out.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Uhh, um... Nothing" I said, slowly walking towards the door.

Grayson walks towards the door and locks it.

He the comes over to me and kisses me roughly.


Graysons POV
I finally did it.

I kissed her.

And I dont regret it.

I finally stop kissing her and her eyes are wide.

That finally gets me to realize that she never wanted to kiss me. Good going Grayson.

I groan, "Im sorry I did that I-"

I immediately get caught off by her kissing me back.


I swipe my lip against her bottom lip, begging for entrance and she accepts.

I slide my tongue inside her mouth and she moans. I smirk.

I turn her around so her back is against my chest and I stick my and into her pants.

"Uhh, Grayson" she moans.

"Shhh..." I say, now rubbing my fingers up and down her clit.

"Uggh fuck" she moans louder and holds onto my thighs.

She leans her head back and I start kissing her neck.

"Yess Gray keep going" she moans, once again.

Instead I take out my hand and lay her on my bed.

I take off my shirt, Christina staring at my body as I do.

I then start kissing her again and she holds onto my hair as she pushes my face closer to hers as we kiss.

I start grinding my lower half into hers and I groan and she moans.

I start pulling off her shirt and her pants.

I then see her baby bump.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask her.

"Yes, remember I love you, not Nate" she tells me. I smile.

Even though she is having a kid with Nate and is dating Nate, she is mine and always will be.

I start taking off my pants and boxers. Once there off, I take Christinas panties and bra off.

She then covers her boobs.

"No no no" I say grabbing her wrists and pulling her hands away from her breasts.

"You are beautiful no matter what and if you are insecure, then you shouldn't be because someone this perfect should love themselves" I said making Christina smile.

I was soon thrusting in and out of her and It felt soo fucking good.

"Im about to cum!" She screamed.

"Let it out baby!" I say thrusting harder.

"Uhhhhhh!" She screams throwing her head back as she cums.

I throw my head back as I cum into the condom.

After that, were both laying on the bed breathing heavily.

"I love you Gray"

I turn to look at her. I pull her close to me.

"Believe me, I love you more" I say.

Nate's POV
I started walking towards the Dolan twins house because there dad was having a birthday party and Christina came over here.

She better not be hanging out with Grayson. I open the door because it was already open and head upstairs quietly.

I start hearing moaning,

"Yes go faster!" I heard a girl scream.

"Uh uh uh" I heard a guy grunt.

No, it cant be...

I open the door just a crack and look inside to see

Grayson and Christina fucking.

I close the door and head back home passed as fuck.

Christina is gonna fucking get it when she comes back.


Yo I fucking swear that if Grayson and Ethan dont give us details about the tour Im going to freaking jump off a cliff.

Anyways, next chapter might be sad for some of you so yeah be ready as always 😁💞💞💞💞

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