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Me and Christina were nervous. We planned a dinner with both our parents because we were gonna tell them.
Our parents talked to themselves as Christina was shaking and was sweating. She held my hand under the table and squeezed it.
I looked over to her.
"Calm down it's going to be okay I promise" I tell her.
Christina gives me a smile.
"Okay it's time for you two to finally tell us what's the big surprise!" My mom said happy.
"Let's just get this over with. Today is kinky night" Christina's dad says. Me, my parents, Cameron and Ethan look at them weird.
Christina just had a blank look.
"Sorry for them" she says.
Before we could tell our parents, I whisper to Christina, "Should you tell them or I tell them?" I ask.
"It doesn't matter" she says then stands up. I stand up after her.
"So, you know how you guys told us we were cousins which was a week ago, well, a month ago, me and Grayson... Umm, got together and I ended up being... Pregnant..." Christina says.
All I heard was,
"what the fuck..."
"I can't believe this"
"Do you think they should borrow our sex toys?"
Next thing you know my dad gets up. He walks up to me.
"Are you serious?" He asks.
I nod my head yes.
He takes in a deep breath.
"Get out"
I was confused. "W-what?"
"Dad" Ethan says getting up.
"Get out! Your not aloud in this house anymore!" He tells me.
"I should listen if I were you" my mom says getting up.
"Mom really!??" I yell at her.
"Mom don't let him leave please!" Cameron cries to my mom.
"Dad he's my brother!!" Ethan screams.
Tears come out my eyes immediately like a waterfall.
"don't say anything just pack your shit and leave." He says strictly.
I slowly walk upstairs crying while Christina follows me.


"Thank you for letting me stay over your house. And I'm sorry if I'm ruining your kinky night" I tell Christina's sexual parents.
"Don't worry fuckboy that got my daughter pregnant. Your welcomed any time" Christina's mom says.
I just nod and grab my things heading upstairs to there guest room.
I set my things down and walk across the hallway towards Christina's room.
"Hey" I tell her walking in and laying down on her bed.
She's standing by her closet with her head down. I could barely see her face.
"Christina?" I say. She looks up and turns around.
I sit up from laying down on the bed when I see her crying.
"It's all my fault your parents hate you" Christina says crying.
"No no no" I say. I get up from the bed and walk over to her and hugging her.
She so small compared to me.
I put my arms around her waist as she hides her face in my neck while she cries.
"Babe, I don't care what my parents think of me. I'm used to it. All I care about is you and this baby. I want our family to be perfect without any worries."
I grabb her face and lift it so that she is looking at my eyes.
"I promise our future would be amazing. Just you, me, and this little boy or girl" I tell her, putting my hands on her stomach.
"I love you Gray"
"Trust me. I love you way more"
We both then kiss.

The night the baby is born.
To be continued...

Yes there is a time skip next chapter. Finally the baby is gonna come out of the asswhole!!!
Anyways, y'all should be exited cause Ima make something go terribly wrong when Christina has the baby so be ready !!!

Your main hoe

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