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I entered the mall with Ethan, Ricky, Kian, JC, Aaron and Nate... With Christina.

"So where do you guys want to go first?" I asked.

"Im going to Holister" Ethan said.

"Ima go with him" Aaron said.

"Were going to the food court" Jc said, speaking for him and Kian.

"We just got here your seriously gonna go eat?" Nate said, now putting a arm around Christina. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine fine, we will be at Vans" Kian says, starting to walk that direction.

Now it was only left with me and the pregnant couple. Great.

"Where are you heading?" Christina asks me.

"Im just gonna look around and see where I'll go" I say now walling away.

I can feel eyes on me from both Nate and Christina. I shrug it off and start heading to Spencers.

(Spencer's is a store where they have inappropriate stuff. They have like weed, naked girls on t-shirts, bad words on hats, condoms ;) ok ok you get it)

As I entered Spencers, I looked around and saw how this store wasn't my type. I saw horrible stuff. But whenever I came to something that involves nudes, I'd just stare at it for a moment.

I then got out of the store when I saw the most crazy shit ever. It was a plush toy. But the toy was a penis. Gosh, I'm gonna have nightmares about this...

As I leave Spencers I walk into a few other stores.

We finally got out of the mall and I left with 4 shirts, 2 pairs of jeans and 1 sweater from Addidas that was so fucking expensive.

But hey, it was worth it.

"Shotgun!" Nate yells and hops onto the front seat.

"Damn it!!" Ricky yells.

Everyone else laughs at him.

Including Christina.

Gosh her smile... Its perfect

Since we were in Kians van, he was driving and Ethan and Ricky sat in the back. That means I had to sit next to Christina in the very back.

I sat down and felt Christina eying me. I wanted to look at her but I cant.

I would but Nate is staring at me...

Reply by Iyaz started playing in the Auxcord.

At that point I forgot about anything else happening in the world.

I started singing the lyrics,


Everyone laughed the whole time I sang the song. Some even recorded...

I like having a good time anyways.

I look to my right and Chrsitina was giggling at my singing. I shoot her a toothy smile and she looks away blushing. Why is she so perfect?

I look up and see Nate eying me. I mouth 'sorry'. He just shakes his head at me and looks out the window.

I sigh and look out the window too.

I then get a message. I check and see its Christina.

Christina😍❣️: Did he get mad at you?

Me: Yeah but its okay dont worry about it. He just doesnt want me talking to you😔

Christina😍❣️: just talk to me I dont care of what he thinks

Me: I would but I dont want to make it a much worse problem

Christina😍❣️: oh ok then. I might go to sleep because this is such a boring ride.

I though for a moment. I want Christina to have a blast. I dont want her to be bored.

"Hey dude its really hot in here can you roll down the windows?" I asked Kian.

"Yeah sure dude" Kian says smirking.

I smirked back at him and nodded.

Kian then rolls down all the windows as low as they can go and pulled down the sunroof.

Everyone started shouting out the windows and sticking there tongues out.

Christina did it to.

She looked at me and mouthed, 'thank you' followed by a smile.

'Anything for you' I mouthed back. And the rest of the car ride we all had the greatest times of our life's.

Next thing you know Grayson is gonna give Christina the time of her life...


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