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I run up to Nates door and knock on it harshly.

Nate opens up the door and I immediately punch him straight in the face.

"What the hell man!?" Nate yells looking at me and rubbing his cheek.

"Why the fuck would you hurt Christina!" I yell.

"Why do you fucking care. She isn't yours, is she?" Nate says, being 'tough'.

I got the jealousy feeling again.

"Grayson, you have to get it in your dumb mind that Christina is mine. I am hero's man. Go love someone else" Nate says, closing the door.

I put my hand out, stopping him from his actions.

"Let me make this clear. Christina isn't a property. She is not yours. She is not mine. She is no one's fucking pet. If you were really her man, why do you treat her like shit, even when she's pregnant. And I cant love someone else because I will always love Christina. Its not easy you know" I say. Removing my hand and walking away to my car.

Nates stands still staring at the floor.

I turn back around.

"Oh yeah, I'm also sorry for your loss" I said.

"What do you mean?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"The baby died. Hope your happy" I say. Then walked back to my car.

I was now back in the hospital. Christina went through her surgery real well and that they got the baby out.

Christina was in a wheel chair and her head was down. I pushed the wheel chair to my car and carried her to the passenger seat and put the wheelchair in the trunk.

As I got into the drivers seat Christina put her head up. Her eyes were dark and redder then before.

I dont talk and just start the car.

"Want to go back home?" I ask.

"No, I'm... I-I'm afraid" she says, playing with her thumb.

"Want to go to my house?" I ask. She nods her head yes.

We both are at my house and I pick her up, taking her to my bedroom.

She looked so uncomfortable.

"Do you want to change out of that?" I asked.

Christina closed her eyes and nodded yes.

I went over to my closet and grabbed a big white shirt and my Addidas sweat pants.

She slowly sits up on the bed but then winces.

I then grab the bottom of her shirt and pull it over her head and put the giant white shirt on her.

I slowly push her down, making her lay on the bed.

I pull down her pants and put the sweatpants on. I then fix her position on the bed where her head is on the pillow and her small body is under the thick sheets.

She closes her eyes again and starts sleeping. I start walking away until I feel a hand on my wrist.

"Can you stay with me?" She asks.

Without hesitation, I climb into bed with her. I put my hands around her stomach as her back is against my chest.

Christina starts crying.

"Shhh, everything is going to be okay" I told her.

"I w-wish I was dead" Christina says.

"Never say that, ever" I told her.

"Im sorry" she says crying more.

"Hey shhh, its okay" I tell her.

Her head hides in my neck and I cuddle her in my arms.

Wish it could be like this forever.

Jealousy (g.d)Where stories live. Discover now