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One Month Later...

Christina's POV
I was laying in bed, thinking why would I do this.

I got up slowly and looked in the mirror. I saw black bags under my eyes and they were bloodshot red. I looked so pale and only because of Grayson.

I want to be with him.

I only wanted to protect Grayson because I knew if I told Nate I fell in love with Gray, he would wants to beat him up and he has done it before.

Nate left me because he didnt want to date someone who is in love with someone else.

I reached out to get my phone.

I pressed the contact 'Gray<3'

Graysons POV
My phone starts ringing during breakfast.

My parents came back from there trip.

"I'll be right back" I said and walked upstairs.

I saw the contact name,



Hey Grayson

"What do you want?"

Im sorry what happend. I dont really have feelings for Ethan. I just said that to protect you from Nate. I didnt want him beating you up.

"Its okay... I mean, after all thats happend I still love you"

Where are you right now?

"Home, why?"

I'll be there in five


I smiled to myself.

I headed back downstairs.

"Hey mom a friend is coming over is that okay?" I asked.

"Yeah of coarse honey" My mom smiled at me.

"Im gonna go watch the game so I'll be in the living room" my dad said leaving the kitchen.

It was now me, Ethan and my mom in the room.

"Who is coming over? Joe? Alex?" Ethan asked. Ohhh boy.

"Um no its Chris-"

I hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get that" Ethan says getting up.

Ethan opens the door revealing Christina with her penny board.

Out of nowhere, Ethan jumps on her and grabbs her neck.

"ETHAN WTF!!?" I yell trying to get him off her.


I finally managed to get him off her. When I did, he ran upstairs.

"What is going on?!" I hear my mom yell.

I help Christina up and turn to face my mom and dad standing there.

"Hospital? What do you mean?" My dad asked.

Me and Christina were quiet.

"Grayson loves the girl right behind him. But he is to stupid to realize that she was the girl who got him to start self harming which lead to suicide, which lead him to the fucking hospital. All of that because of her" Ethan says from the top of the stairs pointing at Christina.

"What?" My dad asks.

He then comes up to me, "dad" I softly say.

He ignores me and pulls my sleeve up and sees all the cuts and scars.

My dad then looked up at Christina who had a guilty look on her face.

"You did this?" My dad asked. Christina nodded slowly looking down.

"I never want to see you in this house again and never come around my son!" My mom yells grabbing my shoulders and pulling me back.

"What? Mom no-"

"Its okay Grayson, I understand." Christina says.

"Christina no its not okay. What am I suppose to do if I never see you again? I want to be with you. I want you because I love you" I tell her.

"Enough!" My dad yells. "Your not hanging out with her and that is final!" He yells loudly again and shuts the door on Christina.

"NO!" I yell.

I open the door again and quickly grab Christina's arm.

I see my skateboard on the grass and pick it up still running with Christina.

"GRAYSON!!" I hear my dad yell.

"Grayson stop!" I hear my mom.

"NOO!" Ethan yells.

"Get on your penny board and go behind the school" I tell Christina, she nods.

She starts to skate away while I follow her.

And this is the part where Im thinking of running away with her.

Wassup hoes💖
This was a crazy chapter tbh.
Im really slow on updating sorry 😬💞

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