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One Year Later

"DUDE STOP!" I scream as Ethan tickles the shit out of me.

Ethan is recording the whole thing on snapchat. When he finishes tickling me, he posts it on his story.

"Never do that again man, gosh" I tell him fixing my shirt and chuckling after.

Ethan only laughs. At that moment, I grabb his nipple since he isn't wearing a shirt and I pull at it.

"OW OW OWWWW AHHH" Ethan yells in pain as he tries to get my hand off his nipple.

I'm laughing my ass off. I then start twisting it.


I finally let go.

His nipple was freaking red.

"Yoo, holy shit dude that fucking hurt!" Ethan yells massaging his nipple with his palm.

I'm still laughing.

"Bro you deserved it!" I tell him.

I then start heading upstairs. It's been a year since I last saw Christina. I still haven't lost feelings for her. I'm sure she forgot about me.

I walk into my bedroom and lay down in bed. Me and Ethan do online school now. My dad said its best for me.

As I'm studying for my online test, I hear laughter outside sounding like a group of girls.

I look outside to see Christina and her five other friends walking home I guess and they all have chips and soda in there hands.

I ignore all of the other girls with the booty shorts and look at Christina who is wearing a baggy shirt with sweatpants.

I still love her. She is so different then the others. She is my kind of girl. I hate it how she will never date me. I will never marry her. All of that will never happen.

I swallow as a tear slips down my cheek. I quickly wipe it and go back to studying.

Fifteen minutes later I get a text.

Christina💖💘: I saw you at the window, what's wrong?

I didn't know if I should reply or not. I can study tomorrow I mean the test is on Friday and today is Tuesday so.

Me: Nothing

Christina💖💘: Grayson, I'm serious what's wrong?

Me: I'm being serious everything is good :)

Christina💖💘: I saw you cry Grayson. I know something is up. Please tell me.

I don't know if I should tell her that I miss her. But then again, I want to know what she will think.

Me: I miss you okay.

Christina read the message. She didn't reply though. I rubbed my face against my hands. I should have never messaged her that.

I go back to studying.

Next thing you know, I hear knocks at my window. I turn to see,


I run to my bedroom door and open it. I look both ways in the hallway to see no one. I close the door and lock it. I run to my window smiling and let Christina in.

Once she is in, we both hug each other tightly. We never seen each other for a whole year...

"I missed you more Gray" Christina said.

"Trust me" I tell her, "I missed you way more"

We pull away and look at each other in the eyes.

Christina puts her arms around my neck. I put my hands on her waist.

"I love you Grayson" she tells me.

"I love you more" I tell her.

I then kiss her. I kiss her beautiful lips, closing my eyes and savoring the moment.

The door then opens,

"What the fuck?!"

Comment on who you think it's going to be! You guys are not going to get this.

Alright I'm really exited for the next chapter! Bye bye hoes! 💘😜

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