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"No thank you Grayson, but I have to try to get Nate, the real father, to take care of my child" Christina said, as she let go of our embrace.

I wish we stayed like that forever.

"Ohhh. Ok then" I said, putting my hands into my jeans pocket.

"Im sorry... Its just, I dont want my kid having a father who really isn't his father" she told me.

I nodded my head and looked down at the ground, feeling some type of way, knowing that she isn't going to be with me sometime in the future.

"Im sorry Grayson. I like you. I really do. Not just as a friend. If I never got pregnant with Nate then I would be dating you. I want to... The problem is-"

"Yeah, yeah dont worry I get it" I said starting to head the other direction.

"Bye" Christina said.


And with that, I headed back home.


I ran up to my room and through my backpack on the floor. I jumped on my bed and started crying and screaming into my pillow.

I will never have her. She will never be mine.

I finally noticed what this feeling was inside of me.


I looked up from my pillow and wiped my eyes. I hate the feeling I have for this girl. I love her soo much and knowing that she will never be mine is just... Awful.

"Hey dude do you want to-" I heard my brother, Ethan, say as he came into my room. He noticed I have been crying.

He sighed.

"Whats wrong man?" He asked sitting next to me on the bed.

"Its Christina dude. She's pregnant with Nate." I told him.

"Bro get over her! Your going to move on at some point and your never going to love her for the rest of your life so stop trying" I heard Ethan say.

I didnt say anything.

He then got up and left my room.


I walked into my first period class.

I looked around and saw a seat open in the back of the classroom.


I sat in the back row and saw Christina in the front row.

Sitting next to Nate.

I guess she convinced Nate to be the father again.

The day is going by really fast. It was now lunch time.

I went to the group of guys that were called my friends.

I sit with 7 guys.

Kian Lawly, JC Caelyn, Ricky Dillon, Aaron Carpenter, Ethan Dolan, Connor Franta and the one and only... Nate Garner.

I barely talk to Nate.

I just dont like him as much as the other guys.

I sit in my normal seat like always and grab some chips with soda from the snack bar my school had.

"Whats up dude!!" Kian says, sitting next to me and gives me that bro handshake.

"Sup man" I say.

The rest of the guys then come to the table and start eating. The only one who was missing was Nate.

Me and the rest of the guys just talk and talk and share laughs.

Next thing you know, Nate and Christina enters the lunch room.

Nate and Christina hold hands and start heading to the table. Are they both really going to sit over here?

Yup. Nate sits down and Christina sits on his lap since there is no more seats left. Anger starts to boil up inside me.

"Hey Nate-bate" Ethan says.

"Hi Christina" I say. She looks at me.

"Oh hello Grayson" she says with a sweat smile.

Nate sure is lucky

Nate then looks at me confused.

Me and Christina then start talking to each other from across the table.

"Sorry to interrupt the talking but can I speak with you for a little Christina?" Nate asks, looking mad as fck.

"No thanks Im good-"

"NOW CHRISTINA!" Nate yells, causing everyone in the lunch room to look over at us.

I furrow my eyebrows and look at Nate.

"Dude are you okay?" I ask.

Nate then gets up and charges towards me.

Oh fuck...

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